Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

Sometimes things don't go as we wanted, life never goes like we think it's should You can't control anything, life takes you where it's want to. Losing someone special or losing everyone you know can change anyone and even make them forgot their motives. And we have seen lots of examples of it in MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE. So let's talk about some characters from MCU, who had to face lots of struggles in their life this list is not based on my opinion it's based on a poll that I uploaded recently.

5. Star-Lord

Star Lord - Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

Peter Quill(star-lord) lost his mother when he was just a kid. At this point, he doesn't even know about his father and before he moves on from this trauma Yondu and his crew members kidnap him. Because of that, he had to live with aliens for years but as we all know yondu did this to save him from his father because his father means 'echo' killing his offsprings. Yondu who was a bounty hunter still didn't deliver Peter to save his life because that their connection becomes more strong after Yondu sacrifices his life for Peter in vol2 Peter Can Feel it more after all of that the only Peter Quill loved in Infinity war he lost her also I am not justifying his mistakes in Infinity war but all of this shows how much Peter is emotionally traumatized in MCU.

4. Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

Natsha (black widow) - Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

We have seen her emotional struggle in some MCU movies but lots of part of her journey will be seen in her next standalone MCU movie Called Black Widow. Black widow have no memory of her past because of Redroom program. Black widow don't remember anything from her past only that makes a person emotionally traumatized, in infinity war she lost her family means avengers because of 'Thanos', to bring them all she didn't even think twice about sacrificing her life. That the saddest part about her story is she didn't even saw them for whom she sacrificed her life. She just hoped everything will be okay.

3. Bucky Barnes(Winter soldier/White wolf) 

Bucky barnes (winter Soldier) - Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

When Bucky was on a date with a girl in TFATWS that girl asked him about his parent, Bucky reaction was not that intense but he said they died while he was a kid, also he said he was too close to them and close one is heartbreaking and it's happened with him when he was just a kid, so you can imagine the trauma he had to face after this a skinny guy became his friend, Bucky selected for US army, but he got arrested in during a mission then Steve Rogers saved his life. Then Bucky slipped from a moving train after that HYDRA took him and started doing experiments on him. They activate a psycho killer inside him then he became a killer who kills incense people even though he had consciousness he's just trapped inside his own body. Even after removing the codes implanted by HYDRA Bucky is facing Nightmares but the reaction on his face while he finally free form codes says it all. 

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2. Wanda Maximoff 

Wanda maximoff (scarlet witch) - Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

Even though her past was not cleared in Age of Ultron but in WandaVison we got all the answers about her past. Wanda's family was just a middle-class family and almost everything is going well but suddenly TONY STARK came into their life, for 2 days Stark industries was in front of her Wanda and her brother are just waiting for the blast. But fortunately, the missile doesn't explode. She has left nothing but a brother with her with the same feeling but he dies while saving Hawkeye and a kid after this wanda have no one left to say mines was just a doll but Thanos killed him also whoever Wanda was happy with he had to die after all of this Wanda unconsciously created HEX where she gave birth to two children I agree she didn't have spent a lot of time with her kids but she is mother. She knows whatever she's doing is wrong, everyone in HEX had to face lots of problems because of that she had to decide to remove her children from existence, and for a mother, it's the most difficult thing to do. With HEX Wanda's dream to live a happy life also ended. 

1. Thor 

Thor - Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes

Thor saw his brother (Loki) dying in front of his eyes three times, he lost his father, mother, friends, sister, and kingdom in one decade, it's happened to every Avengers but Thor story is different cause his life is big. he is 1500 years old and losing everyone in just one decade is a very big thing for him for others they have spent maybe some years where Thor was with his family Nearly 1500 years and quickly losing everything has to be traumatized for him also because of Thor's Negligence hafe of the universe got vanished and blame of half of the universe is too much and if we see Thor lost lots of things in very less time and logical why Thor is number on in the list but still he kept a smile on his face and tried hard to make this as before the snap at the time of blip where Avengers are deciding who's gone snap we can see his pain his eyes.

So there were some traumatized characters, do you agree with this list or not tell us in the comments section also whom you're expecting to be in the list.

Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes Top 5 Emotionally traumatized Avengers in MCU : MarvelTimes Reviewed by Prashant Patil on April 28, 2021 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Bruce banner is underated traumatized superhero, he lost his normal life due to a experiment for years he can't even hang out with normal peoples he's alone. I think he should be in list


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