Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) | Characters | Abilities, Weapons, Facts And More | Marvel Cinematic Universe

Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)  | Characters | Abilities, Weapons, Facts And More | Marvel Cinematic Universe


• Natalia Alianovna Romanoff


• Human


• Soviet (formerly)

• Russian (formerly)

• American


• Female


• 1984


• August 2014 (time-traveled from October 2023)


• Level 7 (formerly)


• Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (formerly)


• Red Room (formerly)

• KGB (formerly)

• S.H.I.E.L.D. (formerly)

• Team: Delta (formerly)

• Hammer Industries (formerly; undercover)

• Stark Industries (formerly, undercover)

• Avengers


• Deceased



  • Iron Man 2
  • The Avengers
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming (footage & mentioned)
  • Thor: Ragnarok (footage)
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • Captain Marvel (mid-credits scene)
  • Avengers: Endgame
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home (picture)
  • Black Widow (unreleased)


  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (mentioned)
  • The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (mentioned)
  • Loki (footage; unreleased)


  • WHiH Newsfront (footage)
  • Team Thor (drawing)
  • Team Thor: Part 2 (drawing)


  • Iron Man (mentioned)
  • Iron Man 2
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The Official Game


  • Iron Man: I Am Iron Man! (mentioned)
  • Iron Man 2: Black Widow: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week
  • The Avengers Prelude: Black Widow Strikes
  • The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative
  • Iron Man 2 Adaptation
  • Iron Man 3 Prelude
  • Thor: The Dark World Prelude
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier Infinite Comic
  • Captain America: Homecoming
  • The Avengers Adaptation
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle
  • Avengers: Operation HYDRA
  • Captain America: Civil War Prelude
  • Captain America: Road to War
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming Prelude
  • Avengers: Infinity War Prelude
  • Captain Marvel Prelude
  • Avengers: Endgame Prelude
  • Black Widow Prelude


  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Ever Anderson(young)
  • Jenny Agutter(disguised)


  • Catherine Campion
  • Laura Bailey

Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff, also known as Black Widow (Russian: Наталья Альяновна "Наташа" Романова), was one of the most talented spies and assassins in the entire world and a founding member of the Avengers. Originally a KGB operative and dangerous assassin, Romanoff was recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D. by Clint Barton. Having extensive mastery in martial arts and armed with her Widow's Bite, Black Widow became one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most efficient agents. During one mission, she was sent undercover into Stark Industries to watch Tony Stark due to the fear that he was dying. During this mission, Romanoff assisted Stark with defeating Ivan Vanko's terrorist plots against him.

When Loki declared war on the Earth, Black Widow was recruited into the Avengers after Hawkeye had just been enthralled by Loki. Romanoff assisted in recruiting Stark and Bruce Banner into the team while they tracked down and attempted to capture Loki, eventually saving Barton from his grasp. Once Loki's entire plan had been uncovered, Romanoff joined the team during the Battle of New York and was instrumental in destroying the portal over the city which had been created by the Tesseract, effectively ending the entire invasion while Loki was defeated and captured.

In the wake of the Avengers successfully defeating Loki, Romanoff had continued her work with S.H.I.E.L.D., this time working with Captain America. While working together, Romanoff and Rogers uncovered a conspiracy following an assassination attempt on Nick Fury, which had eventually led to them discovering that HYDRA had somehow been infiltrating their entire organization. Despite the efforts of the Winter Soldier to stop them, Romanoff helped expose Alexander Pierce's evil schemes to the world, which also resulted in all of her own morally dubious history being revealed. As a result, Romanoff was forced into dropping off the grid again and began rebuilding her cover.

Romanoff eventually rejoined the Avengers, working to bring down various HYDRA cells across the world and assisting in the capture of Wolfgang von Strucker. However, before she could form a romantic relationship with Banner, the rogue artificial intelligence Ultron was created by Stark and Banner, forcing Romanoff and the rest of their team to join together and defeat him. Despite being captured, Romanoff was able to inform the team of Ultron's location on Sokovia, resulting in a final battle in which the Avengers had defeated Ultron once and for all. Unlike most members of the original Avengers, Black Widow remained a member while forming the second incarnation of the team.

As many of the governments of the world had demanded the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords in the wake of their recent battles, Romanoff agreed to their terms and signed the Accords. She later joined Iron Man in a fight against Captain America due to his disagreements with the Accords and his criminal activities with the Winter Soldier who Rogers was attempting to protect. As the two Avengers' factions fought against each other, Romanoff betrayed Iron Man's team to assist Captain America to find the instigator of the team's fight. As a result, Black Widow had to escape from the government for aiding Rogers, while being on the run, Romanoff soon joined him and Wilson in stopping terrorists.

When the threat of Thanos approached Earth, Romanoff, Rogers, and Wilson protected Vision, who had the Mind Stone, which Thanos was after. They later defended Wakanda from the attack, but were ultimately defeated when Thanos destroyed half of all life with the Infinity Gauntlet, where Romanoff emerged as one of the survivors. Romanoff was part of the Ambush on Thanos in an effort to retrieve the Infinity Stones and undo the Titan's snap, with no success.

Five years later, Romanoff led the Avengers alongside Captain America, now formed by Okoye, Rocket Raccoon, Nebula, War Machine, and Captain Marvel. To undo the Snap, the remaining Avengers split up into teams to retrieve all Infinity Stones from several alternate timelines in the Time Heist. Sent to retrieve the Soul Stone on Vormir with Barton, Romanoff, against Barton's insistence, willingly jumped off the Vormir mountains into the abyss below, sacrificing herself in the process in order to obtain the Soul Stone for the Avengers.


Natasha Romanoff was one of the most talented spies and lethal assassins in the world. She was said by her instructor Madame B. to be the best student in the Red Room, never failing a single test. Both the KGB and S.H.I.E.L.D. considered her as one of their most dangerous operatives. Romanoff was highly skilled in martial arts, armed combat, espionage, infiltration, disguise, manipulation, evasion, hacking, and assassination. Romanoff's extraordinary skill-set made her a core member of the Avengers.

> Master Spy: Romanoff was a dangerous secret agent highly skilled in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Romanoff is well versed in internal destabilization and was soon deemed a threat to global security because of this. She often resorts to seducing men to obtain her goals while working undercover, such as when she posed as an assistant to evaluate Tony Stark for the Avengers Initiative. Romanoff's skills were so legendary that Nick Fury created a Lie Detector that he hoped she could not deceive. Her incredible talents for deception also enabled her to detect when others were lying, such as when she was able to discern that Captain America was lying to her about not knowing why Nick Fury was at his apartment.[33] Councilwoman Hawley even stated that she was unaware Romanoff was Russian due to her complete lack of an accent, stating she sounded perfectly American.

> Master Martial Artist: Romanoff was one of the best fighters in the world, having been trained from a young age in the Red Room and S.H.I.E.L.D. in her later life as a top operative. During her time in the Red Room, she was seen using her martial arts to defeat a grown man by swinging his head into the corner of a desk, proving how formidable she was even when she was young. She was extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as sambo, hapkido, Lucha libre-style wrestling, Krav Maga, multiple styles of kung fu, wing chun, Taekwondo, and kali with her batons. Romanoff has efficiently taken down many enemies, such as a squadron of armed soldiers after being ambushed in a hotel room, multiple Hammer Industries security guards, Georges Batroc's armed pirates, several members of STRIKE, Chitauri aliens, Ultron Sentries, and Outriders. She was skilled enough to be able to defeat a mind-controlled Hawkeye, maintain the upper hand against Ant-Man, and even hold her own against the much stronger Winter Soldier, though he was able to bring her down in the end. Black Widow also managed to compete with Proxima Midnight alongside Okoye, even managing to disarm her with her baton, holding her off long enough for Wanda to kill her. In addition, she had enough skill to stab Corvus Glaive using Proxima Midnight's spear.

> Spear Mastery: Romanoff shows great skill in the use of a spear in close combat, she was seen wielding a Chitauri staff to battle the Chitauri. She was also skillful enough to use Proxima Midnight's spear to almost kill Corvus Glaive. Romanoff also combined her batons into a staff to battle Proxima Midnight, using it to defend and attack simultaneously.

> Staff Mastery: Romanoff possessed tremendous skill in using a staff, demonstrating her prowess during the Battle of Wakanda to fight against Proxima Midnight.

> Master Acrobat: Romanoff was highly skilled in incorporating gymnastics and acrobatics into her fighting style as she battles opponents. During her fight within Hammer Industries Headquarters, Romanoff used these skills to defeat the guards. During the Chitauri Invasion, she got to ride a Chitauri Chariot by using her acrobatics to commandeer it.

> Master Assassin: Romanoff was notorious in the art of assassination, considered to be one of the most dangerous assassins in the world. She was known to have killed many people during her time serving the KGB and S.H.I.E.L.D.. During her time in the Red Room, Romanoff was trained to kill without remorse and was seen demonstrating her sharpshooting skills on a live captive, showing no emotion as she killed him.

> Master Marksman: Romanoff was a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting. During the Battle of Washington, D.C., Romanoff would have shot the Winter Soldier through his eye if he had not been wearing his protective goggles. She had also been trained from a young age in the art of sharpshooting, as she was seen practicing on targets, making several headshots in quick succession.

> Gifted Intellect: Romanoff's intellect seemingly put her on par with Steve Rogers and Clint Barton. She possessed the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to changing tactical situations. Romanoff also possessed a vast knowledge of human anatomy, displayed by her often using joint locks and hitting enemies in the weakest parts of their bodies; for example the crotch, stomach, armpits, and the head. Her prodigious skill from her years of training also allows her to predict her opponents' plans of attack as well, such as when she was able to save herself, Captain America, and Falcon from being shot by the Winter Soldier by predicting the order in which he would shoot at them through the roof of their car. Victoria Hand has even stated that Romanoff does not usually require extraction teams on S.H.I.E.L.D. missions and is resourceful enough to make her own escape.

> Master Interrogator: Romanoff was able to trick Loki into telling her about his plan to use Hulk against the Helicarrier to bust him out of his cell. She was able to do a "reverse interrogation"; while she seemed to be in danger, in truth, she was getting all the information she wanted to know.

> Expert Hacker: Romanoff could hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security. She used this talent to hack into Hammer Industries mainframe and help James Rhodes regain control of the War Machine Armor and enabled him to help Stark fight the rest of the attacking Hammer drones, and again to access the location of Camp Lehigh from the USB Steve Rogers received from Nick Fury.

> Pilot: Romanoff was a skilled pilot, capable of flying a Quinjet with ease.

Multilingualism: Romanoff was fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Vietnamese, Latin, and various other languages. She taught Wanda to speak with an American accent to cover up her Sokovian accent.



Black Widow's Bite: Electroshock weapon that can deliver powerful electrical discharges from two bracelets worn by Romanoff. When the Chitauri forces invaded Earth during the Battle of New York, she used the Widow's Bite to electrocute several enemy troops by jamming her charged fists into them. Romanoff used the Widow's Bite to take out a pirate guarding the Lemurian Star ship's engine room. Romanoff acquired a more powerful version of the Black Widow's Bite from Tony Stark, which causes the piping in her suit to light up and glow. She made use of her bite during the Avengers Civil War. She zapped Ant-Man with her bite, sending her miniaturized opponent flying away, and later used the bite to cover the escape of Captain America and the Winter Soldier by using taser disks fired from her bite to hold off Black Panther.

Black Widow's Batons: Electroshock weapons that can deliver powerful electrical shocks to incapacitate her targets. Romanoff used the batons to take down dozens of Ultron Sentries with a combination of her weapons and martial arts mastery and later employed these weapons during the Avengers Civil War, although not charged with electricity. She once again utilized her batons to battle the Black Order and the Outriders and was able to combine them to form a staff; she kept these batons in a holster worn on her back.

Taser Disks: Romanoff used two taser disks aimed at the feet of one of the security guards at Hammer Industries Headquarters, paralyzing his legs to temporarily disable him.

Garrote: Romanoff stored a garrote within her Bite, which she utilized to aid in her escape from a nightclub in Moscow by using it to strangle and then throw an opponent over a railing and down a stairwell. Romanoff then employed it again while infiltrating Hammer Industries Headquarters, using it to deflect the blows of one of the security guards at Hammer Industries Headquarters, and later to strangle him until he lost consciousness. During an attempted ambush on the Winter Soldier, Romanoff jumped onto his shoulder from behind and attempted to strangle him with her garrote, only to be thrown off.

Makarov PM: During her training with the Red Room, Romanoff trained with this gun, shooting it in quick succession while alternating her shooting arm, and being forced to use it against living targets.[7]

Walther PPK/S: Romanoff's original weapon of choice. She carried it when she went to stop Ivan Vanko at Hammer Industries Headquarters, but chose not to use it against the security guards inside the complex.

Heckler & Koch USP Compact: Romanoff took a Heckler & Koch USP Compact from one of the guards at Hammer Industries Headquarters. She dual-wielded it along with her Walther PPK/S when she stormed inside the room where Ivan Vanko was supposed to be, only to find it empty.

Glock 26: Romanoff replaced the Walther PPK/S for a pair of Glock 26 handguns, continuing to use them for the rest of her life as her weapon of choice. She had one of them concealed in the abandoned house in India where she staged a meeting with Bruce Banner, and then used both her firearms shortly after to fight the Chitauri army during the Battle of New York. Romanoff continued to use them during her missions with S.H.I.E.L.D., killing some of Georges Batroc's pirates during a mission to rescue the Lemurian Star, and later during a shootout against the Winter Soldier in Washington, D.C., managing to shoot and damage his goggles and forcing the Soldier to remove them. During the Battle of Sokovia, Romanoff resorted to the use of her handguns to shoot point-blank some of the Ultron Sentries. She still carried them during the Clash of the Avengers, but she kept them holstered so as not to harm her former allies. Romanoff took them with her when she traveled to Vormir to retrieve the Soul Stone, drawing them upon hearing the Red Skull welcoming her and Hawkeye to the planet.

Glock 19: The Glock 19 pistol is the standard sidearm carried by STRIKE. Romanoff was able to obtain one of them when she posed as Councilwoman Hawley inside the Triskelion, using it to threaten Alexander Pierce. She also retrieved one of these guns hidden beneath the bar of Avengers Tower to shoot at the Iron Legion drones hijacked by Ultron. She used it to great effect, shooting one Iron Legion drone in the head while running up the stairs with Bruce Banner for cover, and continued to fire at another before Steve Rogers destroyed it with his shield.

Glock 17: Romanoff managed to obtain this gun from one of the mercenaries working for Crossbones who attacked the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Lagos. When Romanoff grabbed the gun, one of the mercenaries threatened to release the biological weapon they had just stolen. She used it to quickly kill one of the mercenaries while Redwing killed the other, managing to secure the biological weapon.

Colt M4A1 with a M203 Grenade Launcher: A fully automatic carbine and the standard weapon used by S.H.I.E.L.D. STRIKE Team members, outfitted with a grenade launcher. Romanoff took the weapon that the Winter Soldier had been using and shot a grenade at him, forcing him to make his escape before he could kill Steve Rogers in Washington, D.C.

Chitauri Staff: Romanoff took one of the staves used by the Chitauri army when they invaded New York City and effectively used it against them as both a ranged and melee weapon.

Scepter: Romanoff used Loki's scepter to shut down the Tesseract portal device as Erik Selvig instructed.

Proxima Midnight's Spear: Romanoff used this during the Attack on Vision against Corvus Glaive.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Uniform: Black Widow's first uniform was a black catsuit. It zipped up the front and had fingerless gloves with a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the shoulders. It had two belts, one of which had a red hourglass symbol on it and the other serving as a utility belt. It also had a thigh holster.

Tactical Uniform: Her second uniform was a slightly modified version of her earlier one, made of smooth gray fabric. The red hourglass was brighter and the belts were slightly different. The only major difference was the inclusion of built in wrist tasers.

Stealth Uniform: Her third uniform was worn while working on S.H.I.E.L.D. missions with Captain America. Her uniform became black with gray webbing, a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on her right shoulder and her trademark red hourglass over her stomach. It also features her Widow's Bite, a utility belt, and two thigh holsters.

Avengers Uniform: The fourth uniform worn by Black Widow was similar to her second. She wore a black suit with black padding at the shoulders, knees, and elbows. Her suit also contained a more powerful version of her Black Widow's Bite which when used caused piping on the suit to light up. She also wore a thigh-holster on her left leg.

Second Avengers Uniform: The fifth uniform is much sleeker than the previous version. Her suit is not leather, but rather a more tactical stretch Kevlar instead of the usual printed stretch fabrics used, making it bulletproof. The uniform also contains titanium-plated shin guards. Her boots have kinetic rebounding soles that add bounce to jumps. The suit incorporates her usual red hourglass and Widow's Bites with long-range upgrades.

Black and Gray Uniform: To be added

Winter Uniform: To be added

Fugitive Uniform: The eighth uniform consisted of a black suit with a green bulletproof vest worn over it. Having padding on its knees and elbows to provide protection and additional striking capabilities. The uniform had her Widow's Bites included and had tall, heeled boots. The uniform has a thigh holster on her leg and a holster for her batons on her back.

Third Avengers Uniform: The ninth uniform was a black suit with gray detailing on the front, as well as shoulder and knee armor. It has a holster on the back for her batons, her Widow's Bites, and a belt with two thigh holsters.

Advanced Tech Suit: This suit was designed to time travel through the Quantum Realm safely. It is a white, red, and black suit that materializes around the wearer's regular clothes when time travel is required and disappears when no longer in use. It has size-shifting adaptability down to subatomic levels and a wrist gadget that allows for displacement through time and space.

Other Equipment

Flash Bombs: Romanoff used two of these flash bombs to blind some of the security guards at Hammer Industries Headquarters, easily dispatching them afterward.

Pepper Spray: Romanoff took one of the pepper sprays carried by Hammer Industries security guards, and used to dispatch the last guard before attempting to arrest Ivan Vanko.

Miniaturized Smoke Grenades: Romanoff used some miniaturized smoke grenades given to her by Phil Coulson to create a diversion on Yuri Klementiev's yacht, using the smoke to simulate a fire.

Glider Harness: Romanoff used the Glider Harness when she was forced to flee when Mikhail Fjodorov was killed by a woman that called herself Sofia.

Photostatic Veil: Romanoff used a Photostatic Veil to disguise herself as Councilwoman Hawley and stop Project Insight.

Explosive Security Badges: Romanoff wore an Explosive Security Badge when she disguised herself as Councilwoman Hawley to stop Project Insight.

Transmitter Pager: A communication device used by Nick Fury, an ordinary Earth pager modified by Carol Danvers using Kree technology for use as an instrument of last resort in extreme emergencies. Fury was eventually forced to use it in response to the Snap. It was later found and used by the Avengers.


Quinjet: Romanoff has used a Quinjet for transportation to travel around the world and take out threats during active missions as an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and as a member of the Avengers. She usually co-pilots the Quinjet, controlling the weapons that are built into its systems.

Chitauri Chariot: During the Battle of New York, Romanoff realized that they needed to close the portal after containment proved to be overwhelming. Captain America helped her to jump on a Chitauri Chariot to quickly ascend to Stark Tower while the rest of the Avengers continued to battle the Chitauri.

Jeep: During the Attack on the HYDRA Research Base, Romanoff and Barton used a Jeep to fight the HYDRA soldiers and move around faster. When all the Avengers regrouped to attack the HYDRA soldiers, Romanoff crashed the Jeep as she and Barton jumped out to continue fighting on foot.

Motorcycle: Romanoff used a Harley-Davidson LiveWire motorcycle during her missions with the Avengers prior to its destruction during the Battle of Seoul.

Truck: Romanoff drove a truck with a plow attached to its front to run over many Ultron Sentries so she could rendezvous with her fellow Avengers at the citadel.

Benatar: Romanoff and the Avengers used this ship to travel to the Garden to undo the Snap and kill Thanos. Years later, Romanoff and Hawkeye used this ship to travel to Vormir to obtain the Soul Stone during the Time Heist.


Red Room Academy: Romanoff was raised and trained at the Academy from a very young age after being recruited to the KGB. There, she endured both an education and indoctrination into the world of spycraft.

Stark Industries Headquarters: When Romanoff was tasked with watching over Tony Stark by Nick Fury, she went undercover as Stark's personal assistant. As part of her undercover mission, Romanoff was required to perform tasks for Stark, working at his headquarters.

Avengers Tower: Following the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark decided to fund the Avengers, redesigning Stark Tower as a new headquarters for the team. After retrieving Loki's Scepter, the Avengers held a party at the tower, which fell under attack by a newly-created Ultron. The Avengers then proceeded to search for Ultron in the tower, going through their files until they came across Ulysses Klaue.

Clint Barton's Homestead: When Romanoff became best friends with Clint Barton, she was one of the few people to know of his family. Romanoff would develop a close relationship with the Bartons, often visiting their home, including when all the Avengers were defeated by Ultron.

New Avengers Facility: After the Ultron Offensive, the Avengers relocated their base of operations to a facility upstate. There, Romanoff and Steve Rogers would train the new lineup of Avengers, as well as use it as their place of residence.



> Black Widow is mentioned in the non-canon video game Iron Man. While battling Maggia forces in Afghanistan, Tony Stark comments that he may be able to make it for his date with Ms. Romanoff after all.

> In the comics, Black Widow is the product of a Soviet Super Soldier experiment, and has had relationships with Bucky Barnes, Matt Murdock, Tony Stark and Clint Barton.

> In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Endgame and Black Widow, Romanoff wore a necklace with an arrow pendant, as a symbol of her friendship with Hawkeye.

> In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode Hot Potato Soup, Sam Koenig mentioned that Black Widow is the subject to a large amount of "steamy" internet FanFiction, with some people shipping her with Quake under the name “Quack”.

Behind the Scenes Facts

> Scarlett Johansson was pregnant during the filming of Avengers: Age of Ultron, so many of her scenes were scheduled early in filming before she began to show. To help hide her pregnancy later in filming, three stunt doubles were hired. This caused quite a bit of confusion among the other actors since, according to them, all of the stuntwomen looked very similar to Johansson. Chris Evans stated that it got to the point where he would say hello and start a conversation with one of them, only to realize that the person he was talking to was not Johansson. Ultimately, some scenes used CGI to hide Johansson's pregnancy.

> The role of Black Widow was originally offered to Emily Blunt, but she turned it down.

> Before given the role of Black Widow in Iron Man 2, Johansson wanted the role so badly that she dyed her hair red.

> Scarlett Johansson was uncredited for her appearance in Captain Marvel.

> Gemma Arterton, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Natalie Portman, Eliza Dushku and Angelina Jolie were also considered for the role. Natalie Portman would later play Jane Foster in Thor, Thor: The Dark World, Avengers: Endgame and Thor: Love and Thunder and Angelina Jolie would later play Thena in Eternals.

> Heidi Moneymaker, Bridgett Riley, Amy Johnston, Mandy Kowalski, Casey Michaels, Helen Steinway Bailey, Crystal Hooks, Tara Macken, Rebecca Bujko, C.C. Ice, Michaela McAllister, Dena Sodano, Lucy Jayne Murray, Mickey Facchinello and Martin Ivanov were stunt doubles for Scarlett Johansson in the role of Black Widow.

> Dina Cataldi, Rachel Steele, Faye Sewell, Amanda Fordham and Alexandra Doyle were stand-ins for Scarlett Johansson in the role of Black Widow.

> Megan Harwick was a photo double for Scarlett Johansson in the role of Black Widow.

> Due to the heat and uncomfortable nature of her catsuit, Scarlett Johansson didn't wear any underwear while filming scenes for The Avengers.


Marvel Database



> Marvel

Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) | Characters | Abilities, Weapons, Facts And More | Marvel Cinematic Universe Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)  | Characters | Abilities, Weapons, Facts And More | Marvel Cinematic Universe Reviewed by Prashant Patil on May 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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