We will not cast Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man at any price - Marvel

Today, MCU is biggest and most profitable cinematic franchise in history, but but only fews knows history behind this success from way to get bankrupt to being most profitable franchise, but the road started with first movie Iron Man were Robert Downey Jr. Played Tony Stark but do you know he is not the first choice of Director in recent interview he even said, "under no circumstances are we prepared to hire him for any price".

The avengers, Thanos were just dream in the eyes of Kevin Feige Iron man began whole shebang, went into production, the ambitions of the makers were largely limited to make a good comic book movie.

Everybody gone agree that biggest reason the film worked is due to Robert Downey Jr, an actor who has become synonymous with his MCU role. But casting him was not easy. Director Jon Favreau’s choice, Robert was not popular at that time. Not because of lack of talent, per se, but rather because of his history with drugs and alcohol.

In an interview with 100.3 Jack FM, Favreau opened up about the long drawn-out process. Favreau told USA Today in 2007, a year before the film’s release, “We didn’t want to just go with a safe choice. The best and worst moments of Robert’s life have been in the public eye.”

He added, “He had to find an inner balance to overcome obstacles that went far beyond his career. That’s Tony Stark. Robert brings a depth that goes beyond a comic-book character who is having trouble in high school, or can’t get the girl. Plus, he’s simply one of the best actors around.”

In another interview, in 2014 with 100.3 Jack FM, Favreau revealed, “Everybody knew he was talented… Certainly by studying the Iron Man role and developing that script I realised that the character seemed to line-up with Robert in all the good and bad ways. And the story of Iron Man was really the story of Robert’s career.”

Like many other actors, it is hard to imagine anybody else in the role, so completely Downey went on to subsume himself in the role. And as Favreau said, the arc of Downey and Tony Stark towards redemption was eerily similar.

Iron Man went on to gross 585 million dollars worldwide. It may seem unimpressive right now by MCU standards, but it was a big deal back then. It made sure the MCU stayed afloat and now it dominates popular imagination.

We will not cast Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man at any price - Marvel We will not cast Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man at any price - Marvel Reviewed by Prashant Patil on May 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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