Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) | Characters | Appearance, Powers, Abilities and more | Marvel Cinematic Universe
James Buchanan Barnes
Human (Cyborg)
Soviet (briefly; renounced)
March 10, 1917
Spring 2018 (victim of the Snap; resurrected by Hulk in 2023)
Sergeant (formerly)
United States Army (formerly)
107th Infantry Regiment (formerly)
Commandos (formerly)
HYDRA (formerly, brainwashed)
*Winter Soldier
Program (formerly, brainwashed)
*Winter Soldiers (formerly,
Iron Man 2 (mentioned)
Captain America: The First Avenger
America: The Winter Soldier
Avengers: Age of Ultron (indirectly
Ant-Man (post-credits scene)
Captain America: Civil
Spider-Man: Homecoming (picture)
Black Panther (post-credits
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Spider-Man: Far
From Home (picture)
WHiH Newsfront (footage)
Captain America: Super Soldier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The
Official Game
Sebastian Stan
Roger Craig Smith
Sergeant James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes is a World War II veteran, a former officer of the 107th Infantry Regiment and best friend of Steve Rogers since childhood. Barnes enlisted in the army and assigned to the 107th in 1943. His regiment was captured by HYDRA, where Barnes was given a variant of the Super Soldier Serum by Arnim Zola. Barnes, along with whoever still remained from his regiment, was later rescued by Rogers, who had become Captain America during Barnes' absence. Upon joining forces with the continuing war, Barnes and Rogers formed their Howling Commandos, to battle Red Skull's forces. However, during their attempt to finally capture Zola, in the Austrian Alps, Barnes was caught in their ambush and plummeted hundreds of feet from a train. As no body was ever recovered, Barnes had then been presumed deceased.
Unbeknownst to his team, Barnes' enhanced abilities allowed him to survive the fall, albeit with the loss of his left arm. Once he was found by the Soviet Union and HYDRA, Barnes was subsequently brainwashed and armed with a new cybernetic limb in order to become their operative, known as the Winter Soldier. Over the next fifty years, he would eliminate anyone who posed any threat to HYDRA, including Howard Stark and his wife, Maria. Between all these assassination missions, the Winter Soldier would be put into a cryogenic stasis to ensure his longevity. In 2014, the Winter Soldier had been ordered by Alexander Pierce to assassinate Nick Fury, in order to ensure that all Pierce's schemes with Project Insight could go ahead. However, the Winter Soldier was challenged by Steve Rogers, which had triggered him to begin remembering his prior life.
In the wake of their Battle at the Triskelion, Barnes, free from his brainwashing, deserted HYDRA in order to remember his past and end his long, violent history. Two years later, Barnes was then framed for the Bombing of the Vienna International Centre, which claimed the life of T'Chaka, among many other innocent lives. While Black Panther sought his revenge for his father's death, Barnes had been repeatedly saved by Captain America, which sparked the Avengers Civil War as a team of Avengers led by Iron Man was sent to capture him. However, they eventually learned that Helmut Zemo framed Barnes and reactivated his brainwashing, so that Zemo could reveal that Barnes had murdered Stark's parents years ago. Having just survived Stark's revenge attempt, Barnes was given amnesty in Wakanda by T'Challa and was placed in cryostasis, until all HYDRA's control triggers could be removed from his mind.
Barnes was eventually freed of his brainwashing by the efforts of Shuri and Ayo. However, as Thanos had attempted to kill Vision for the Mind Stone, Barnes returned to combat to stop Thanos’s plans, receiving his new vibranium arm. Barnes joined T'Challa and the Avengers to help fight off the threat, only for Thanos to defeat them and assemble all of the Infinity Stones. Barnes was subsequently disintegrated as Thanos eliminated half of all life in the universe. In 2023, Barnes was resurrected by Hulk, as he had then participated in the final battle against Thanos' forces. In the aftermath of the battle, he attended the funeral of Stark with all the other heroes. Later on, Barnes bid Rogers farewell, knowing of his true intention to travel back a branched timeline in the 1940s in order to live with Peggy Carter. Barnes was then present to witness Rogers, as a much older man, return home in order to then choose Sam Wilson to pass the shield onto.
With his name cleared due to his participation in working with the Avengers, Barnes was put under mandated therapy by the federal government and sought to find atonement for his actions as the Winter Soldier. His attempts were interrupted when John Walker was made the new Captain America and the Flag Smashers emerged to act against the Global Repatriation Council's efforts to handle the aftermath of the Blip. He and Sam would thus go on a mission together to stop the Flag Smashers, temporarily freeing Zemo to use his knowledge of HYDRA, reuniting with Sharon Carter in Madripoor, and also coming into conflict with Walker over his inadequacy to be the next Captain America. As the situation escalated to where Walker murdered the Flag Smasher Nico over the death of his partner, Bucky and Sam were forced to defeat Walker to stop him from continuing to be Captain America and tainting Steve's legacy. Later, Bucky and Sam would team up with Walker in the final battle with the Flag Smashers, helping in their defeat, and finally making full amends with his past afterward. Bucky then opted to go and live at Sam’s hometown.
Powers and Abilities
Barnes was one of the recipients of HYDRA's Super Soldier Serum. There were no apparent effects at the time of his rescue by Steve Rogers, but the changes the serum caused in Barnes' body were sufficient to let him survive a plunge into an icy river at the bottom of a fall that should have killed him. According to the Smithsonian Institution, Barnes was already "an excellent athlete." Like Captain America, he too has early levels of superhuman conditioning, due to his enhanced physiology. He was also equipped with a titanium arm capable of deflecting bullets and was later given a new vibranium arm after losing his original one.
•> Enhanced Strength: As the Winter Soldier, Barnes' physical strength is enhanced to the early levels of a superhuman condition as a result of the Super Soldier Serum. The superior strength afforded by his metallic left arm aside, his innate superhuman physical might alone rivaled that of Captain America's, able to use his legs and right arm to deliver strikes of exceptional force that can casually launch his opponents flying several distance away and through walls and knock them out even while holding back not to kill them and he was quite capable of affecting and hurting Rogers with blows from both his normal hand and legs. He also proved able to easily handle the Flag Smashers, who had also been enhanced by the Serum, with only his natural strength, as shown by how he knocked down a Flag Smasher with a leaping punch during the Chase of the Flag Smashers and staggered another with a punch and during the Ambush at Latvian GRC Resettlement Camp, he easily launched a Flag Smasher flying and knocked him out with two kicks and quickly stunned and lifted another off his feet and tossed him to the ground.
•> Enhanced Durability: Winter Soldier's bones and muscles are denser and more resilient than a normal human's. He even managed to survive a fall from immense heights into the Danube River in the Swiss Alps that his comrades, unaware of his enhancements, believed to have been fatal. Arnim Zola's further experiments greatly fortified his physique to the extent that he routinely leaps from significant heights onto hard surfaces and lands without any apparent injury. Bucky was able to leap off a bridge onto the top of a car below, crushing the roof and shattering the windows while he was unfazed by the landing. He was also able to withstand blows from various opponents that would have seriously injured or killed an average person. Winter Soldier withstood getting brutally hit by Iron Man and his energy blast. In Munich, he survived a fall from about 200 feet, and withstood crashing through a forest during it.
•> Enhanced Speed: Winter Soldier's speed is tremendously enhanced beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition. Barnes' speed is equal to both Black Panther and Captain America, as he was able to stay ahead of them with a slight head start and match their speed in combat, countering their attacks and delivering his own. When fighting the similarly enhanced Flag Smashers, Barnes was able to easily kick one down before they could react and intercept a Flag Smasher before he could hit Falcon. He also proved able to stay in combat with John Walker after he had taken the serum, being able to keep up with and deliver blows of his own even when Walker was using his shield to block, eventually easily managing to man-handle him before he could attack him. During the event Chase of the Flag Smashers, he quickly caught up to a speeding truck.
•> Enhanced Agility: Winter Soldier's enhanced agility is superior to even Olympic gold medalists. He could quickly leap on top of midsize cars in a single bound while running and do complicated acrobatic flips in order to avoid gunfire and to quickly dive into cover.
•> Enhanced Stamina: Winter Soldier's musculature produces far fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human, allowing him to exert himself at peak capacity for hours before tiring. Hence, he could endure the Clash of the Avengers and the later showdown at the HYDRA Research Base without showing signs of fatigue. Barnes was later on able to participate in Ambush at Latvian GRC Resettlement Camp against the Flag Smashers and then go on to fight with John Walker, all of whom had also been enhanced by the Super Soldier Serum, and by the end of it still had more than enough strength to walk away from the fight.
•> Enhanced Reflexes:
•> Regenerative Healing Factor: Winter Soldier's body is able to heal with extraordinary speed and efficiency, at a rate well beyond that of a regular human being, though he is unable to regenerate missing limbs. This may be one of the factors of his survival from the Swiss Alps. His healing has also allowed him to quickly recover from injuries received in battle; the injuries he had received during combat with Iron Man healed in a matter of days without bruising or scarring. He also recovered from the vicious wounds he suffered from fighting John Walker with ease without any lasting bruises or scars.
•> Longevity: As a result of the Super Soldier Serum, Barnes ages much slower than the normal human, a trait he shares with fellow super soldiers Steve Rogers and Isaiah Bradley. Barnes' lifespan has been artificially extended by being frozen in a Cryostasis Chamber, allowing HYDRA to weaponize him for many generations by keeping him frozen between his missions. He is currently over 100 years old, but retains the appearance of being much younger.
• Bionic Arm: Barnes lost his left arm and had it replaced with a cybernetic one by HYDRA. After his original arm was destroyed, Barnes received a new vibranium arm from T'Challa.
•> Superhuman Strength:
The bionic arm gives him extraordinary superhuman strength, superior to that of Captain America's strength, though not quite on par with that of Spider-Man. Winter Soldier was able to rip open a S.H.I.E.L.D armored SUV, rip apart Falcon's EXO-7 suit, and smash concrete by punching it. With his bionic arm supporting his already enhanced natural strength, the Winter Soldier was shown to be able to overpower Captain America in a fight. More evident for this was during the fight at Escape from the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre, Barnes used his bionic arm to successfully overpower Captain America, who used both of his hands while attempting on stopping Barnes with extreme effort. However, his bionic arm's strength has its limitations as it was shown to be outclassed by Black Panther, Josef, Spider-Man and later Iron Man Suits like the Mark XLVI.
•> Superhuman Durability: Winter Soldier's cybernetic arm is incredibly resistant to physical damage and most likely made of some titanium. The cybernetic arm is shown to be bulletproof, made evident when Barnes used the arm to block several gunshots from a German officer.[3] However, it did have its limitations, as one shot of Iron Man's Unibeam cut right through it. After losing his original cybernetic arm, Barnes was given a new vibranium one by Black Panther. This new arm grants him even higher durability due to it being composed of vibranium, as well as the benefit of being vibration absorbent, though of course it can be deactivated by Wakandans that know how to exploit the metal alloy.
•> Master Martial Artist: Winter Soldier is an exceptionally skilled and formidable martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, excelling at improvisation and weapons handling. Originally, Barnes was a three-time YMCA welterweight boxing champion. Later, as the first Winter Soldier, Barnes received vast training from HYDRA, as well as the United States Armed Forces. Combined with his enhanced physical abilities, Barnes became a dangerous master assassin who can slaughter dozens of enemies alone, take on and even overpower highly skilled combatants such as Black Widow with relative ease, be in charge of training the other Winter Soldiers, and go toe-to-toe with the likes of Black Panther and even Captain America himself. The two engaged in a brutal one-on-one fight, both matching each other with every move, though Rogers was ultimately able to defeat him in their second duel, he later beat Rogers after being released by Helmut Zemo, catching him off guard. Barnes effortlessly beat Falcon, an expert trained combatant, to the point he simply grab his cheeks and throwing him to the prison cell, knocking him out during the second encounter. Barnes also single-handedly killed up to a dozen well-armed Quinjet pilots in a single encounter, and escaped uninjured. Barnes easily overpowered a suitless Tony Stark, Sharon Carter, and Black Widow, all in rapid succession and fought evenly with Black Panther. Barnes also held his own repeatedly against T'Challa, even when he wears his Panther Habit. Although Barnes was briefly outmatched by Iron Man in Mark XLVII Armor, he later managed to beat him to submission. Barnes was later on able to easily overpower the also super-soldiers Flag Smashers with his combat training, quickly delivering blows that pummeled them into submission. He also easily fended off Ayo's spear assaults while not trying to harm her and she was only able to end the fight due to using her knowledge of how to disarm his Vibranium arm, which he had absolutely no knowledge of. When he fought the highly decorated veteran of the U.S Army John Walker who was chosen to be the next Captain America and after he too had taken the Super-Soldier Serum, his fighting prowess combined with his own superhuman abilities allowed him to directly contend with him even as John was using his shield whereas Falcon was visibly outmatched, disarming him of his pistol, briefly taking the initiative and countering his attacks with the shield and ultimately landing several blows on John and holding his attempts to hit him in the chest with the shield at bay and helping Falcon disarm him, proceeding to easily overpower and man-handle John for Falcon to deal the finishing blow to once he was disarmed of his shield. He employs mixed martial arts that include elements of systema, karate, boxing, muay Thai, Krav Maga, and kali.
•> Knife Mastery: Winter Soldier excels in knife fighting with an emphasis in Kali knife fighting. The Winter Soldier usually resorts to his combat knife in close quarters combat, as seen during his duel with Rogers on the streets of Washington, D.C. He usually holds the knife in his natural hand and uses his bionic arm for support should he need more force to overpower an opponent, using a downward stab or tossing it between hands to advance his assault. Barnes also used a bayonet knife with a great effect against the Outriders. He also easily managed to get a knife point on a knife-wielding Flag Smasher upon having pummeled them. He has also shown to be skilled at knife throwing during his hotel assassination mission as the Winter Soldier.
•> Master Marksman: Barnes is highly proficient in handling firearms with remarkable precision, even prior to being turned into the Winter Soldier. During World War II, he shot a HYDRA operative that even Captain America did not see until he was down. His marksmanship was deemed invaluable to the Howling Commandos destruction of HYDRA's bases and the thwarting of the Nazi troops. As the Winter Soldier, he became an even deadlier master marksman. He accurately fired a single round through Black Widow's stomach and into a nuclear scientist that she was protecting, killing him. Winter Soldier is also capable of making long-range shots without the use of a rifle, for example, shooting Nick Fury multiple times through the wall of Steve Rogers' apartment and from the top of another building. As the Winter Soldier, Barnes has caught and handled Captain America's Shield on two occasions and showed impressive ability in doing so. He was also able to use his gun to swiftly take out many Outriders during the Battle of Wakanda. He even attempted to shoot Thanos to prevent him from extracting the Mind Stone out of Vision, only to be subdued by Thanos, who blasted him into the bushes with the Power Stone.
•> Master Assassin: Winter Soldier is a master assassin. Ever since he's been brainwashed, Winter Soldier has lived in complete anonymity with most of the intelligence community not even believing he exists. He's been credited with over two dozen of HYDRA's most crucial assassinations in the last 50 years, including John F. Kennedy and Howard and Maria Stark. He was even able to shoot Nick Fury while himself outside of Rogers' apartment, and shoot through Black Widow to take out his target.
•> Expert Tactician: Barnes has been trained in military tactics and has spent decades as a soldier and covert operative, using quick thinking and resourcefulness to execute his assignments. After escaping Hydra’s control he managed to stay off the grid for two years despite the active search of Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers and when he was discovered he had an already formulated escape plan with a burn bag. Barnes quickly formulated a plan with Zemo to assist the criminal in his escape from the Berlin Correctional Facility and noted that the most vulnerable portion of any security system was the staff members.
•> Multilingualism: Barnes fluently speaks his native English, as well as fluent Romanian and Russian. His time in Wakanda allowed him to speak and understand Xhosa. He also fluently understands German and Japanese.
•> Colt M1911A1: Barnes was issued an M1911A1 as his sidearm during World War II. He carried it after joining Captain America and the Howling Commandos in a series of attacks across Europe. Barnes resorted to using it in a mission to capture Arnim Zola when he ran out of ammunition in his primary weapon.
•> M1928A1 Thompson: Barnes carried an M1928A1 as his weapon of choice during World War II, using it during the attacks led by Captain America against HYDRA across Europe. He also carried it during his final mission to capture Arnim Zola, running out of ammunition when he was ambushed inside the train.
•> M1903A1 Springfield: Barnes used this sniper rifle during the Battle of Azzano, in an attempt to battle German forces in Italy. Despite his efforts, he was captured along the rest of his unit by HYDRA, and taken to one of its facilities as forced labor.
•> M1941 Johnson rifle: Barnes was the sniper of the squad who was led by Captain America during World War II, the Howling Commandos. When he acted as such during missions against HYDRA. He used the rifle once to save Captain America himself from a soldier who almost shot him while he was examining a destroyed HYDRA base.
While working for HYDRA, the Winter Soldier carried a vast array of weapons for combat, adapting his uniform with customized holsters to carry them. He was also usually handed extra weapons by his support henchmen and kept relying on firearms for battle even after HYDRA collapsed and he overcame his brainwashing.
•> Gerber Mark II Combat Knife: The Winter Soldier's weapon of choice in close-quarters combat. He had one holstered on his right thigh. He used it against Captain America while confronting him on the streets of Washington, D.C. and inside one of Project Insight Helicarriers.
•> Gerber Yari ll Tanto: The Winter Soldier was equipped with 2 of these knives. They were holstered with the hilts facing opposite sides on his lower back. He used one against Captain America during their battle on the streets of Washington, D.C., and another one inside one of the Project Insight Helicarriers, successfully stabbing Rogers in the shoulder.
•> Benchmade SOCP Dagger: The Winter Soldier was equipped with this knife. He carried it in a holster next to his Gerber Mark ll, though he was never seen using it.
•> Ontario M9 Bayonet Knife: Barnes had this knife holstered on his right thigh during the Battle of Wakanda and the Battle of Earth. He used it to kill an Outrider who tackled him to the ground.
•> Cold Steel Master Tanto: Barnes caught this knife thrown at him, using it to fight knife wielding Flag Smasher and threw next to his head to intimidate him.
•> Beretta 92FS Inox: The Winter Soldier carried this gun during his mission to assassinate Howard Stark. He shot at one of the wheels of Stark's car, causing an accident, and then proceeded to kill both Stark and his wife Maria with his hands in order to make it pass as an actual accident. Once the couple was dead and he had retrieved the Super Soldier Serum that Stark was carrying, the Winter Soldier used his gun again to destroy a nearby security camera that recorded the incident.
•> SIG-Sauer P220ST: The Winter Soldier's weapon of choice, a semi-automatic pistol heavily used by armed forces and police of many countries. He used it against Captain America while confronting him on the streets of Washington, D.C. and inside one of Project Insight Helicarriers.
•> SIG-Sauer P226R: The Winter Soldier dual-wielded the SIG-Sauer P226R along with a Glock 19, using them against Captain America during their final confrontation inside one of the Project Insight Helicarriers.
•> Glock 19: The Winter Soldier dual-wielded the Glock 19 along with a SIG-Sauer P226R, using them against Captain America during their final confrontation inside one of the Project Insight Helicarriers.
•> Glock 17: Barnes took one of these handguns from security staff at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building. Tony Stark prevented him from using it to kill two security guards and engaged Barnes, who shot at Stark at point-blank range. Stark was able to block the bullet with his Iron Man Gauntlet, before dismantling the handgun to disable it.
•> COP .357 Derringer: A very small gun that the Winter Soldier carried in the right thigh custom holster. He tried to use it against Steve Rogers in the streets of Washington, D.C. while he was distracted, but he could not fire as Natasha Romanoff shot a grenade at him.
•> Intratec TEC-38: A very small gun that the Winter Soldier carried in the right thigh custom holster.
•> Vz.61 Skorpion: A submachine gun carried on the back of his vest. Steve Rogers forced him to use it as he had to drop his assault rifle, but Rogers quickly disarmed him. He later used it to kill a Quinjet pilot at the Triskelion, stealing the jet to board a Helicarrier.
•> Colt M4A1 with a M203 Grenade Launcher: A fully automatic carbine and the standard weapon used by S.H.I.E.L.D. Strike Team members, outfitted with a grenade launcher. The Winter Soldier was handed one of them by one of the mercenaries that accompanied him on the streets of Washington, D.C. while trying to kill Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff, using both the grenade launcher and the assault rifle against them. He lost it during the battle, but he obtained another in the Triskelion, and used to kill all the S.H.I.E.L.D. pilots that were about to board their Quinjets and help Captain America.
•> Barrett M82A1M: A heavy rifle that the Winter Soldier used as a sniper rifle during an assassination. He was captured in a photograph released by the press, but his image was so blurry and small that it needed technological enhancements to be distinguished.
•> M249 SAW Paratrooper: Barnes obtained this machine gun from Black Widow's equipment locker inside the Quinjet and took it to infiltrate the HYDRA Siberian Facility with Steve Rogers. However, he was unable to use it, as Tony Stark disarmed him as soon as he engaged Barnes and Rogers. Barnes was given another one in order to prepare for the upcoming Battle of Wakanda. He used it to attack the first waves of Outriders that managed to cross the barriers, and to continue fighting when they all directly confronted them. Once Rocket Raccoon arrived, he held him on one arm while aiming with the other, shooting their weapons and sparking Rocket's interest in both the weapon and Barnes' Prosthetic Arm. Once Barnes was snapped out of existence, the weapon was left behind. He took another of these machine guns in order to join the Avengers and the rest of their allies in the final battle against Thanos and his armies, shooting at multiple enemies during the battle.
•> FN Mk 13: A grenade launcher customized to fire Disc Grenades. The Winter Soldier used it against Nick Fury's SUV, in an assassination attempt against Fury.
•> Milkor MGL: A six-shot revolver-type grenade launcher, that the Winter Soldier used on the streets of Washington, D.C. against Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. His first shot sent Rogers to the street down a highway, and he kept using it to destroy the cars that Romanoff used for cover until she also fell to the street.
•> Disc Grenade: During the assassination attempt on Nick Fury, the Winter Soldier used a disc grenade to disable Nick Fury's SUV.
•> M67 Grenade: The Winter Soldier caught a grenade thrown against him by one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents protecting the pilots at the Triskelion, and quickly threw it inside a Quinjet to destroy it.
•> Ball Grenade: The Winter Soldier rolled a heavily-customized variant of the "Ручная Граната Наступательная (Ruchnaya Granata Nastupatel'naya)," a Soviet hand grenade, underneath a car towards what he thought was Natasha Romanoff, but was in reality just her phone. The Winter Soldier later used another grenade to destroy the roof of a tunnel while being chased by Black Panther and the GSG 9, hoping to trap his attackers and get away.
•> Battering Ram: During a fight with GSG 9, Barnes took a battering ram from them and briefly used it to fight against the agents before discarding it on his way out of the building.
Other Equipment
• Bionic Arm: HYDRA designed a special titanium bionic arm to replace Barnes' lost arm, which he lost after falling from the train. During his transformation progress, he started to gain control over his new arm, strangling a HYDRA scientist. His new arm also had a red star on its shoulder, hinting that the Soviets who operated as HYDRA's allies had also participated in the process of Barnes' transformation into the Winter Soldier. During the Battle at the HYDRA Siberian Facility, Barnes' arm was disintegrated by Iron Man when he tried to rip the arc reactor out of the suit. T'Challa gave Barnes one built by Shuri soon before the Battle of Wakanda; the new arm functioned much the same as HYDRA's one, but with enhancements stemming from the use of vibranium.
• Captain America's Shield:
Barnes had wielded Captain America's Shield on a few occasions. During the Capture of Arnim Zola Barnes briefly used the shield while trying to kill a HYDRA soldier but was unsuccessful. During the Attack on Nick Fury, Barnes shot Fury and was chased by Captain America across rooftops. Captain America caught up to him on a rooftop and threw his shield at him. However, Barnes caught his shield with his bionic arm and threw it back at him, allowing Barnes to escape. During the Battle of Washington, D.C., Captain America and Barnes fought again and during that fight, Barnes managed to steal the shield and briefly used it against Captain America. During the Battle at the Triskelion Barnes briefly used the shield against Captain America by throwing it at him. During the Battle at the HYDRA Siberian Facility, Captain America and Barnes fought Iron Man, as the fight continued, Barnes used the shield against Iron Man alongside Captain America.
• Uniform: HYDRA designed a lightweight tactical suit for the Winter Soldier, complete with a half-face mask in an attempt to conceal his true identity from the world. The uniform is constructed from Nomex thread and Kevlar fiber. The lightweight suit provided resistance to small arms fire and had advanced flexibility for close-quarters combat. In addition, he also sometimes wore bulletproof tinted goggles to further conceal his face and for eye protection.
• Grapple Device: A line cable firing device that automatically entangles a limb of flying or fleeing culprit, thus preventing their escape. Winter Soldier used this cable to pull the Falcon out of the air by his wing.
• Memory Suppressing Machine: When Barnes was captured by HYDRA, his mind was then wiped which removed any memories of his time fighting in World War II and his friendship with Captain America. Before his upcoming missions, the Winter Soldier would have his mind wiped once again, to ensure that he remained an empty vessel of a man who would obey HYDRA's orders without question. Following his brief encounter with Rogers, the Winter Soldier began questioning his past, leading to Alexander Pierce ordering that the Winter Soldier be put back into the machine and have his mind wiped yet again.
• Cryostasis Chamber: During his time as an assassin for HYDRA, Barnes was placed in a cryostasis chamber to be kept under control. HYDRA would only unfreeze him when they had a mission ready. That way, he could last for decades, and not succumb to age and become wasted. As soon as the mission was over, HYDRA would return him to this chamber. After finding asylum in Wakanda, Barnes voluntarily allowed himself to be placed in cryostasis until Wakandan scientists could find a way to reverse his brainwashing.
• Bucky Barnes' List: Once Barnes had recovered from his brainwashing, he made a list of names in a notebook that Rogers had given him, featuring people who he felt he still had business with. These names were of people he had wronged as the Winter Soldier, including Yori Nakajima, whose son he had murdered, as well as people such as L. Atwood, who he knew was still conducting criminal activities, and Barnes felt he needed to stop. Barnes was incredibly protective over this list, as he threatened to kill Helmut Zemo for merely looking at it.
• Schnellzug EB912: To be added
• Harley-Davidson FXDL Dyna Low Rider: To be added
• Harley-Davidson Street 750: To be added
• Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil: To be added
• Quinjet: To be added
• Jeep: To be added
• Helmut Zemo's Private Jet: To be added
• Paul & Darlene: To be added
• HYDRA Siberian Facility: As an assassin for HYDRA, the Winter Soldier would report back to his HYDRA superiors in Siberia after he completed an assassination mission for the terrorist group. He would then be put under deep sleep under the Cryostasis Chamber to ensure that he would remain loyal towards HYDRA and emotionless towards those he killed. In 1991, Bucky was kept at the Siberian compound, the main headquarters of the Winter Soldier Program. After he assassinated Howard and Maria Stark and obtained all the Super Soldier Serum, five additional HYDRA assassins were chosen for candidates for the program. However, the soldiers instigated sedition against their HYDRA superiors, and they were eventually put under suspended animations. After, the Winter Soldier left the Siberian facility, although continuing to work for HYDRA, namely Alexander Pierce's division in America.
• Ideal Federal Savings Bank: As a HYDRA facility located in Washington, D.C., the Winter Soldier was taken care of by HYDRA by repairing his prosthetic arm, which was damaged by Captain America and Black Widow. When the Winter Soldier started to experience flashbacks of his fall from the train in the Alps, Alexander Pierce ordered to wipe his memory with painful electroshocks before going on his next assignment.
• Bucky Barnes' Apartment: After remaining in hiding once S.H.I.E.L.D. had collapsed, Barnes hid inside a small apartment in Bucharest, but once Captain America had infiltrated his home, he decided to leave the apartment once he realized that the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre had ambushed it.
• Wakanda Medical Center: Now needing his mind to be fixed, Barnes traveled to Wakanda with Captain America, undergoing cryostasis at the Wakanda Medical Center until his HYDRA's programming could be completely removed. Once Barnes was cured of his programming, he would no longer receive any treatment from the medical center.
• Barnes Residence: Following him being restored to life, Barnes got an apartment in Brooklyn, where he lived alone and met neighbors, who he talked to frequently.
• Izzy: While living in Brooklyn, Barnes would go to the restaurant frequently for lunch with his neighbor Yori Nakajima, and one night go on a date with the waitress Leah there.
• Helmut Zemo's Latvian Residence: To be added
• Wilson Family Residence: To be added
• In the comics, James Buchanan Barnes, named after the 15th President of the United States of America, James Buchanan, had a complicated romantic relationship with Black Widow, and took over the mantle of Captain America after Steve Rogers was assassinated by Crossbones.
> In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Barnes occasionally uses Captain America's Shield, a reference to his role as Captain America's successor in the comics.
• While living in Wakanda, Barnes was given the nickname White Wolf. This was the codename of Hunter, a foreigner adopted by T'Chaka who became an anti-hero and the head of the Hatut Zeraze.
• Although his bionic arm is his left arm, Barnes is right-handed.
Behind the Scenes
• Ed Brubaker, who co-created the Winter Soldier, appears in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as a HYDRA doctor who helps repair the Winter Soldier's mechanical arm.
• Sebastian Stan was uncredited for his appearances in Ant-Man and Black Panther.
• James Young, Jason Charles Hill, Greg Rementer, Jimmy N. Roberts, Justin Sundquist, Spencer Mulligan, John Nania and Nicolas Bosc were stunt doubles for Sebastian Stan in the role of Winter Soldier.
• Colin Botts and Jared Leland Gore were stand-ins for Sebastian Stan in the role of Winter Soldier.
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