Loki's Episode one is here, the Timekeepers the multiverse, and Nexus events were all introduced within the first 15 minutes. 

So Kevin Feige was aligned when he said, Loki was going to make a super impact on the rest of the MCU. Now, this is going to be a complete breakdown of Loki's Episode 1 in 0*25 speed, Now without any further ado, let's begin.

Loki Episode 1 in 0.25 speed

This episode opens right where we left off in Avengers endgame, where Tony Stark messes up and allows Loki to escape from the timeline, we already saw Loki disguising himself as Steve Rogers in Avengers: Endgame but, in today's episode we saw it from a different angle.

Loki Captain America in loki series

I reckon this might be some archival footage from Endgame as Marvel shoots almost every scene with multiple cameras, but one thing to notice here is Chris Evans delivers his line a little bit differently than the one in endgame so this might be a retake from endgame altogether. 

Anyway, Loki escaped to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, The Marvel logo appears and I just love the way it incorporates the style of Loki, with the color green and a slight touch of golden. 

Loki series marvel golden logo

Loki crash lands in the desert and is met by some of the locals, who question him. What is he doing here and where he came from. Now of course this whole thing could be referenced to Tony Stark when he crashed landed on the desert after being given a second chance. So this might be locusts' way of redemption.

Loki and iron man in desert

Notice how Loki stood upon a rock so that it doesn't remain on the same level as regular humans, wanting to stay above is something that he just inherited enters.

Loki standing on rock

The TVA agents who are called Minutemen, came here to arrest a Loki, because it created a branch in reality and the TVA or lifetime cops, and notice the device that he uses is something that Mobius uses to later on in the episode, so it makes sense to say, this is like a cell phone.

Loki file in TVA Agent device

The TVA gives another detail here is that on the device, we can see it says timeline segments 616 and 432. This is a nod to the fact that Loki just escaped from Earth in 616 timeline, which is the primary or sacred timeline in the MCU, Loki then gets taken away to the TVA along with the Tesseract.

Tesseract glowing and not glowing

This one is one of my favorite details from this episode, notice how the tesseract seems considerably right after entering the TVA, whereas in the desert, it was glowing bright, we learn later in the episode that no powers are useful in the TVA not even Infinity Stones, so the tesseract not glowing anymore already foreshadowed at the beginning that no such powers are going to work here, Loki gets his clothes disintegrated and replaced with a prison jumpsuit.

Timekeeper from Loki tv series

We are then introduced to the Timekeepers and the multiverse we'll walk through some amazing animation. so basically, there was a time when the multi versus party each other, it is weighing everything, so the Timekeepers who are all-knowing, intervened and brought peace to the multiverse, by bringing it all together under one sacred timeline, they're the ones who protect and preserve the proper flow of time.

one point in the animation shows an image of the two armies clashing. Now the one on the left appears to be Kree, and the one on the right is possibly the Nova Corps, based on the ruins in the background. The battle is taking place on Thanos's home planet on Titan in the Guardians of the Galaxy Ronan confirmed the Kree and Nova corps were at war for 1000 years, moving on.

Notice a Mobius use the words madness and multiverse in the same sentence already setting the stage for the Doctor Strange sequel. We then see the title card that again alludes to the fact that multiple Loki is appearing in the series. 

Mobius and mephisto and night mare in loki tv series

Mobius M. Mobius was investigating a crime scene. where multiple TVA agents were killed, looking at the way they were stabbed and the positioning of their dead bodies Mobius assumes. it's Loki was killing them, not our Loki. Loki from a different timeline, he then comes across this child, who was afraid and trying to escape but Mobius comes down and asks if she knows who killed them. She then simply pointed at this mural of the devil and I was like, Oh, here we go again with all those Mephisto theories, no Mobius claims to be chasing an alternate version of Loki, and it's most likely that the child has mistaken the God of mischief famous horned helmet for the demonic horns of the devil, but he knew what I've been saying this and I will say it again, my bet was never on Mephisto appearing in one division, I've been rooting for the villain nightmare instead. But the good thing is Loki director cake Heron has actually confirmed that Mephisto will not appear in the show but he should align though as the roosters did with the endgame. I don't think so. 

Loki Series girl Bubblegum

Mobius then finds his bubblegum from her, which isn't from an established brand from Marvel Comics as far as I know, but looking at the packet to blue and purple with the face on the side or suspicious. The face looks like nightmare a persistent villain from Dr. Strange comics, So is he a secret villain in the show, I guess we'll find out.

Mobius is then gets handed over a file with all the information about Loki.

Loki details and gender fluid

it states his real name is Loki Laufeyson instead of Odinson. which they put in his other aliases, it also has frost giants as his race. it notes Loki's sex is fluid, it also says his sector is 1990-2099, which alludes to Marvel's lineup of future comics from the 1990s, which were set in the year 2099 and featured futuristic versions of Marvel heroes like spiderman, Punisher, and the X Men, so this intake form is enough to tell to the TVA knows more about Loki than anyone else ever will. 

Loki is then brought in front of Judge reporter Rensselaer for his trial, notice in the background to one of the agents on the mural looks quite a bit like Stan lee, none of them have glasses or big mustache except him, which is a very, very similar to Stan lee sir. 

Loki court scene and stan lee cameo

Judge Ravonna Renslayer later asks Loki, if he is guilty or not guilty but Loki gets into an argument that the Avengers should be here, instead of him. as it was them who traveled through time and caused the Loki to escape with the Tesseract but Rovonna Renslayer says the Avengers were always meant to travel back in time but it would Loki did wasn't supposed to happen.

This Loki thing, the Avengers went back in time to prevent him from winning, not seeing the bigger picture or the bigger stake. The judge then sentences Loki to be reset but, Mobius intervenes rescues him. It's because Mobius plans is using this Loki to defeat the alternate Loki version from other timelines, So think about it, when the TVA needs your assistance to defeat some evil Gods, just how evil are they.

Mobius then takes Loki away from the courtroom and Loki experiences the beauty of the TVA no notice in the center, we can see a statue of the Timekeepers holding the flow of time together. So it's fair to say that the Timekeepers are a little bit of a show-off. 

Timekeepers holding time and mobius asking for weapons

Mobius takes a look in the time theater to show him, what he did in the past and how his life would have been, if he not escaped but notice just before entering the time theater Mobius very quickly signals the guard to hand him over a weapon, so he's taking this as a precaution because he's about to be alone in a room with the God of mischief. I think that's a very plausible detail right there.

Loki asks Mobius, how can we never heard of the TVA. If there are such powerful entities Mobius explains it's because you've never needed to because you've always followed your set path, but Loki just cannot fathom the idea of him living his life according to someone else's. Mobius and Loki have a long conversation where Loki finally unveiled his plan of ruling Midgard, along with Asgard and the Nine Realms, so essentially he wants to rule everything Mobius thinks, Loki is a murderer but Loki thinks is a liberator, he thinks freedom of choice is the biggest lie that there is, and I'm just loving this chemistry between Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston makes you sound super smart and smart. I know, they both just act off of each other, it's brilliant. 

Then we learn Loki's DB Cooper, now for anyone who doesn't feel like googling. it is one of America's weird mysteries in 1971, a man in business attire boarded a commercial plane in Portland under the name DB Cooper, he claimed to have a bomb in his briefcase and hijack the plane at his command and the plane landed again, and the passengers were released in exchange for a parachute and $200,000, which is over a million in today's money, the plane then took up again under Cooper's direction with the passengers now released only the crew and Cooper were aboard now about 30 minutes after takeoff he jumped from the plane, no one has seen or heard from him ever since no one knows who he is or was where he went where it came from or anything but the authorities did discover some builds of the Columbia River.


That's why can see, when Loki gets sucked into the Bifrost he leaves a few notes behind. Loki being Devi Cooper was in the initial trailer, but it's amazing, they gave it is an amount of attention to it. This might be the best joke in the whole MCU.

Loki then gets emotional saying that he's the reason his mother dies, but he still refuses to accept the reality Mobius explains to him that he wasn't born to be a cane, he was born to cause pain and suffering just so others can be the best versions of themselves. Now let me give you a little bit of perspective here, 

imagine someone as powerful as the TVA comes up to you and says, no matter how much good you want to do in your life, it won't mean anything because you were here to cause destruction, wouldn't that break your heart knowing that you've been nothing but a pain to others no matter what you do, that is exactly what Loki went through in this episode.

Now Hunter B-15 enters the room and interrupts them she came here to tell Mobius that they lost another unit to evil Loki, but appointed by Epic speed, I found my favorite detail from this episode. 

At this point, we all know Loki stole the time Twister from Mobius to escape from the TVA, but in slow motion, I spotted when exactly he stole it.

Loki stealing weapons

When Loki was on the floor heartbroken seeing his mother dying on the screen movies offered his hand to get Loki back on his feet and notice as soon as Loki gets back up, he steals the time Twister from Mobius.

Let's watch it, we'll see it together. Here we can see Loki focusing on the target while getting back on his feet but pay attention to his left hand which is already reaching towards Mobius in his pocket. 

Loki stealing time twisters

Now the camera angle changes but we can still understand.  what's happening there and there is successfully still the time Twister and here you can see him putting it back in his pocket, so even without any of his powers, Loke is sleight of hand is still second to none. 

Loki steals time twister

Loki goes to Casey to obtain the Tesseract so that he can teleport himself out of here, but he says something that he couldn't even imagine in his worst nightmare. The TVA uses Infinity Stones as f**king paperweights the coolest bar in the entire MCU, you can pinpoint the exact moment Loki's heartbreaks in half, I mean not just is our breaking but is the very moment, Loki believes the TVA is a real thing and not an illusion. It was the perfect way to show him how minuscule he is, I mean it's crazy we'll think that we've had three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe revolving around the Infinity Stones, and phase four begins by telling us that this don'ts to some people are nothing more than paperweights, that's how massive phase four is going to be.

Infinity stones in LoKI series

One detail I found in this scene is noticed there were more time stones on the desk than any other Infinity Stones, it makes sense though because the TVA mostly deals with time and the flow of time, and notice case he also doesn't use any regular wristwatch, which is kind of obvious, but I'm glad they didn't forget to give him a weird watch Loki finally accepts the TVA is a real thing, and wonders, if this is the greatest power in the universe 115 Almost, catches them and he escapes from there again but this time, he didn't try to run away instead he came back to the time theater.

Loki realizing whatever Mobius said is true. Now He himself what's his how his life is going to unfold, he sees the death of Odin how he and Thor become good friends, and eventually sees his death at the hands of Thanos, I don't think there was anything smarter than letting Loki himself be the one to see how his story ends in the original timeline, it confirmed that the original Loki is 100% dead and the film runs out of the hollow projector.

Loki finally admits this is the crew elaborate trick countered by the weak to inspire fear. So when Loki said the same Mobius at the beginning, he was describing himself. That's why he was thinking so little of the TVA because he thought the TVA is just as desperate for control as he was, but Mobius offers him something to live for. He asks a Loki to help TVA catch a fugitive variant, who has been killing TVA agents, Loki asks why him Why not anybody else, and that's when he learns the other fugitive variants are also him just different version. 

Lady loki

This is probably female Loki but take this with a grain of salt, although when she burns all the TVA agents to the ground, we can see her fingerless gloves for the set photos it does look like Sophia de Martino's character was probably playing female Loki.

Loki ep1 ending scene

Notice at the beginning of the episode, Loki said that, he will burn TVA to the ground, which it didn't, but this evil one definitely did. This marks a fine line between these two but the question is how long will Loki comply, how long would they remain on the good side, I mean who knows if this Loki realizes that the only way to be the king of the universe is to conquer the TVA by joining them and then conquering them. One thing I learned after watching this character for so many years is to never trust a Loki again. 


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