This 5 Marvel Character Can Easily Defeat Superman | MarvelTimes

This 5 Marvel Character Can Easily Defeat Superman | MarvelTimes

“Superman is Unbeatable” — “No Marvel Superhero or Supervillain can beat him in a fight”

No, it's not me who is saying these things, this is the words of those DC fans, who have never read a Marvel Comic. 

Yes, Superman is overpowered, if we compare him with today's MCU superheroes. Still, several people in MCU can give Superman a good fight. But I am not sure about them beating ‘Man of Steel’. We will discuss them later. But for Today, I am gone list 5 Marvel Characters that Can Easily Defeat DC's Superman.

So, without getting truly into cosmic or truly God-fearing characters (gods, supernatural powers, characters representing all the concepts of life, etc.), here are five Marvel characters that can defeat Superman (note that this article will focus on direct-only fighting, no time to prepare or supporting conditions and both characters going all-out to defeat the other).

5. Dormammu

Dormammu powers stats from marvel comics

Dormammu may be an external creature, but he is not a god. A member of the Faltine demonic genus, he simply trained his magical skills in the levels of madness - and if there is one thing - other than Kryptonite - that can defeat Superman, it is magic.

By default, the Faltine species produce a force known as the Flames of the Faltine, which can destroy the entire planet.

When it comes to taking down Superman, consider Dormammu’s toughness to start with. He took a complete beating from the Defenders (Hulk, Silver Surfer, Doctor Strange, and Ghost Rider) and, when they thought they had defeated him, he just stood up, laughed at their strength, and told them they only saw one - a tenth of what he could do. With that in mind, Superman wouldn't just hurt him physically.

And Superman might be quick, but Dormammu could throw city-wide spells like the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, which would cover the Man of Steel and bind him with powerful mysterious obstacles from which he could not escape.

As usual, he can summon powerful demons and mysterious creatures (such as the Unthinking) at will and can use an army against Superman. Dormammu has hundreds of other spells, but it can take a whole day to explain them!

Dormammu has come across in his power include the masters of the cosmic Phoenix Force, he has competed directly with Odin in power and has even caused trouble to people who love the cosmic entity Eternity itself. Superman couldn't stand the chance.

[Source- Marvel Fandom: Dormammu]

4. Sentry

Marvel Sentry powers stats in comics

Sentry is actually Superman of MCU, even more powerful. Sentry has insane levels of superhuman strength, stamina, and speed, as well as a host of esoteric powers and abilities that make him more cooperative in his offense and more difficult to kill.

As for his powers, he has done things like lifting Celestial (a giant humanoid cosmic creature), he has torn Ares in half  (Ares is a demigod at the level of Thor and Hercules), tearing down the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak (something Hulk can not do) and stopping Terra's ax, inadvertently, with one hand (Terrax ax split the planets in two), which is also an insane durability feat. He has as much power as Superman.

Durability-wise - in addition to the Terrax mentioned above - has taken many blows to the angry World War Hulk (which was a poorly written Sentry, as he had to kill someone like the Hulk with his esoteric skills) and simply filled with blood with a fist from Blue Marvel, devastating for months. with the same beating. He is always as strong as Superman.

However, if Sentry is destroyed by Superman, the fact is he will be back. He died only several times to return immediately - much to the surprise when Molecule Man (a man who could easily have beaten Superman) broke through his cellular level. Sentry just converted and did the same to him using his transforming power. He couldn't rip Superman's molecule with a molecule (there is also a chance Sentry was angry enough to produce The Void - and Superman wouldn't want that).

Sentry's most impressive feature is when it is in the microverse (the universe where everything is shrunk to the size of an atom). Such was the level of energy flare he created, it can be seen from the ordinary universe - that is the level of crazy energy that destroyed the planets while they were there.

He has telepathy powers and, although that is not his impressive power (he makes the whole world forget him, anyway), he could still get into Superman's head.

[Source- Character Profile: Sentry]

3. The Silver Surfer

Marvel The silver surfer powers stats

The Silver Surfer is often seen to be at the same level as Superman - or as someone Superman can beat - but the fact is that he is much stronger than the Kryptonian.

Silver Surfer may not have the same physical strength as the Man of Steel, but that’s where his disadvantages stop, and, given the other ways he beats the DC hero, it shouldn’t even be considered a disadvantage.

The Silver Surfer is much faster than Superman. People sometimes argue that Surfer's speed is simply related to the speed of his board, but he has shown that he can think, move and react within nanoseconds and often move the speed of light (Superman is generally known to be very fast), which means Superman could not even and reacting to Surfer's attack before they beat him.

What sets Surfer apart is Superman's ability to overcome his toughness and his esoteric power. Her firmness was that she could take strong punches like Hulk and She-Hulk without trembling (when She-Hulk slapped her in the face, described her as "a young woman who enters her") and survived the hardships of being in deep space, hyperspace, black holes, and stars easily.

He can also deceive, create and accept power and radiation of all kinds, which can be the key to hitting Superman. He could absorb the sun's rays from Superman's body, make him useless, or he could create Kryptonite radiation to weaken the Man of Steel.  In comic books, he absorbed the power of the Uni-Lord and later destroyed the solar system as well.

His use of Power Cosmic also gives him the transmutation abilities (transforming Superman's head into a Kryptonite dough, or anyone?) And many other skills such as time travel, passing through solid objects, illusion casting, and portal generation. He is too much for Superman to handle.

 [Source - Marvel Fandom: Silver Surfer]

2. Gladiator

Gladiator powers stats in comics

Gladiator - this does not refer to the disabled Daredevil villain with the same name - is a member of the Strontian, Sh'iar Empire, and former leader of the Imperial Guard.

In terms of his strengths and abilities, he boasts almost the same selection as Superman - but the difference is that his own are in impressive proportions.

Take his superhuman powers, for example - Gladiator raises huge buildings and ships on a regular basis but also uses his own power to smash the planets.

As for his physical strength, he traversed the stars unscathed and unaware of the “burning nuclear fire” that enveloped him (including a single star that was 100 million miles [100 million km] wide) and withstanding explosions with supernova-sized forces.

the speed of Gladiator was measured by warp-speed or "a hundred times the speed of light", he caught very fast opponents (for example, Image Comic's Supreme) and took them into space before they knew anything had happened and hit Thor so fast that Asgardian didn't know what struck him and he could not retaliate.

Some of the powers he has like Superman's mirror include his cold air and his sense of heat. His view of heat is particularly high, as he has been described as "hotter than a star".

In conclusion, Superman is actually a Gladiator-lite. The only thing that can work against Gladiator is that his strength changes with his confidence. However, assuming he was not depressed and low during the war, he would destroy Superman in a direct physical battle and, if his mind was good at the time, it would not be said what limitations of his physical abilities existed.

[Source- Marvel Fandom: Gladiator]

1. Thanos

Thanos powers stats in comics

The Mad Titan known as Thanos would indeed stomp a mud-hole in Superman with consummate ease.

The villain can easily devise a plan to defeat the Man of Steel without much effort or use something as powerful as the Infinity Gauntlet to seduce him into oblivion, but the fact is that he does not need one of these conditions - to build more than enough power to destroy the Kryptonian hero.

The only place where Thanos is less than Superman is speed. That being said, his mind is such that he can prevent and avoid attacks by the quick Silver Surfer - and we have already discussed how fast he is - so he will have no problem expecting and responding to Superman's attacks.

But the fact is that Superman couldn't hurt Thanos anyway - his toughness is very impressive. The Mad Titan completely withdrew the attack on the Silver Surfer (in a rare case where the Galactus Herald managed to get a strike) and even joked about it. Recalling that the Silver Surfer destroyed the planets, Superman would not have scratched Thanos with his magnificent rifle.

In terms of physical strength, Thanos dwarfs Superman. He can beat the Hulk Easily, Thing, Hercules, and Thor at the same time and he manhandles them - speaking loudly about the powerlessness of the joint.

Even with all that in mind, it was his esoteric skills that got him out of Superman's league. First, he has telepathy at a level that allows him to capture Moondragon's favorite psychological attacks, he can send calls, he can explode with huge power explosives, he has the ability to use a variety of forces and he can transmit matter - meaning he could turn Superman into a teapot if he wanted.

[Source- Wikipedia: Thanos — Marvel Fandom: Thanos]

What do you think? Are you satisfied that Superman is not really unbeatable? What other characters from Marvel can beat him? Mention it below.

This 5 Marvel Character Can Easily Defeat Superman | MarvelTimes This 5 Marvel Character Can Easily Defeat Superman | MarvelTimes Reviewed by Prashant Patil on November 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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