Time Variance Authority (Comiccs)
• Members
• Mr. Alternity
• Justice Peace, Justice Love, Justice Mills, Minutemen, He Who Remains, Wade Wilson
• Justin Alphonse Gamble, Godwulf (Earth-7484)
An agency concerned with monitor realities throughout the multiverse and attempting to keep temporal interference to a minimum
• Multiverse
• Active
• Null-Time Zone
Creators and Appearances
• Walter Simonson, Sal Buscema
• Thor #371 (September, 1986)
The Time Variance Authority is an infinitely vast bureaucracy that governs a significant number of realities in the ever growing multiverse. The organisation has dedicated itself to keeping tabs on every reality that exists. It controls a temporal dominion which is approximately two or three times as large as Kang's temporal empire. All employees are born and bred specifically to complete their functions. Every employee in the TVA has lifetime employment. It is an organization of faceless bureaucrats. Most TVA employees are cloned from the same genetic stalk to reduce disputes and improve efficiency. However, they do recruit new promising candidates such as Justice Peace.
- Chronomonitors
- Justice Goodwill
- Justice Hope
- Justice Liberty
- Justice Love
- Justice Might
- Justice Mills
- Justice Peace
- Justice Truth
- Professor Justin Alphonse Gamble
- Minutemen
- Mr. Alternity
- Mr. Orobourous
- Mr. Paradox
- Mr. Tesseract
- Mr. Oburos
- Mr. Mobius "Moby" M. Mobius
- Two-Gun Kid (Freed by She-Hulk)
- Iron Man 2020 (temporarily)
- Clockwise
- As part of an inside joke, all of the upper management are "cloned" from Mark Gruenwald, to pay homage to the long-time Marvel Comics' writer/editor and continuity expert.
- Members of the TVA verbalize unique profanity including "Flarg" and "Kraggit".

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