US agent : John Walker's history and future in MCU | MarvelTimes

US agent : John Walker's history and future in MCU | MarvelTimes
After six weeks of action, The last episode of The falcon and the winter soldiers is out on Disney plus. In the whole journey, we got to know lots of interesting characters one of them was 'John Walker'. In the very first episode, Sam gives Captain's shield to the museum but the US government had their plan they introduced a new Captain America in front of the world, John Walker. 

John Walker

Early Life

In his early life, john studied in custer's grove high school. He also worked alongside christina Raynor in field operation. he also worked alongside Christina Raynor in field operations. 

John walker milatry with Christina Raynor

His military career and the actions he took in Afghanistan resulted in him becoming the only person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor. He also ran RS-One missions in counterrevolution and hostage recuse. The government did a study of his body at MIT, and John tested off the charts in every measurable category, including speed, endurance and intelligence.

John walker as new captain america

John walker with shield

Following the Blip, the half of life in the universe that was killed by Thanos is revived. The world is placed in turmoil, and the government are in search for a new hero to defend the country who embodies America's greatest values, can draw inspiration, and be used as a symbol for everyone.

The Department of Defense select John Walker to take on the mantle of Captain America following the retirement of Steve Rogers. He is given the suit and shield, and a public announcement is broadcast on television to let the world know of his new status.

John assigned press

John walker interview
Starting off with his former high school. As he walks past the lockers and finds his old one, his wife Olivia enters. She recalls sneaking into the locker room each game to see him, and he suggests that's probably why they won. She asks if he's nervous, but John puts on a front. He admits he doesn't want to fail with all the expectations placed on him, and Olivia comforts him, and advises he be his true self. When Olivia leaves, John practices how he will address the audience, when Hoskins interrupts. John expresses his disbelief at the situation and shares that he remains dissatisfied, with what the job has entailed of so far. 

Lemar tells him that doing press is part of the occupancy, stating how the suit comes with expectations and he can no longer punch his way through problems. John suits up and makes his way through a crowd for an interview with Sara Haines. When the topic comes to John's achievements, he tells Sarah that like the Captain America before him, he has courage, which is needed for the job, as he has big shoes to fill. He also mentions that he followed Steve's career as an Avenger, drawing comparisons between the two. 

Later on

John Walker and his team travel to Munich, Germany, while investigating the Flag Smashers, and come across Falcon and Bucky Barnes. Walker joins in on the fight, along with Lemar, and the pair introduce themselves to Sam and Bucky. 

Walker battles with their leader, Karli Morgenthau on the roof of moving vans, but he is bested, and the Flag Smahers get away, leaving John and his allies on the road. 

Walker drives past Sam and Bucky, and attempts to make conversation about the battle that just ensued. Sam reveals they fought against super soldiers, and Walker offers them a ride to the airport, which is 20 miles away. They initially refuse to share space with Walker, but after he urges them they reluctantly accept, and discuss the intent of the Flag Smashers, as well was what they plan next. When Sam questions how they tracked the group, it's revealed that they hacked into Falcon's machine, Redwing, and John justifies this, as it's part of government property, to which he is a representative of. Sam questions John and Lemar's purpose, and they state that while the GRC (Global Repatriation Council) operate to bring things to a norm, post-Blip, he and Lemar intend to keep the atmosphere stable. Walker proposes an alliance, but Bucky point black refuses.

They further talk

and Bucky insists on leaving the vehicle. John empathizes, claiming he isn't trying to be or replace Steve, but be the best Captain America he can, which would be easier if he had Captain America's "wingmen" at his side. The last sentence offends Sam, who joins Bucky back onto the road. When Bucky is arrested for missing his court-mandated appointments, John heads to station where he is being held. 

He runs into Sam and his former colleague, Christina Raynor, who he heard was working with Bucky. He states Bucky wont be following his strict schedule any longer, as authorized by himself, because he's too valuable an asset to be tied up. He has her finish whatever work she needs to do with him, then requests she send him, his way. He meets with Sam and Bucky outside the station once their session is over, and informs them he and Lemar have been targeting civilians who have been assisting Karli Morgenthau. The pair talk about the tactics she's using to stay hidden, and how she's been stealing medicine, to one of her camps. Bucky questions if they know where she is, and John having grown tired of Bucky's attitude, snaps that they doesn't, but will soon. While Sam agrees with Walker's views in finding her, he refuses to work with them, as they have ties to the government, while Sam and Bucky work as free agents. Before the pair leave, he advises them to stay out his way.

Walker and Lemar travel to Munich

with GRC, where they storm a warehouse, in search for Karli Morgenthau, after getting a lead that she passed through there. He calls over Lemar to act as a translator, for a suspect, he wants to question, but the man claims he doesn't know about her whereabouts. The suspect proceeds to spit on John's face, infuriating him, and he pushed him against a pillar, and questions if he knows who he is. The man replies in English that he knows but doesn't care. The pair leave, realizing they aren't going to get any answers, and John deduces that Karli must be funneling something from someone they cant't see, and suggests they see Zemo, who is being held in Berlin. The pair head there, only to find he's escaped, and after learning Sam and Bucky arrived on the same day, he concludes they helped him break out. Lemar disagrees with John's theory and argues they can't accuse them, without evidence, so John suggests they chase this up up. Lemar points out that this won't be on-the-books, but John believes that if they get the job done, no one will question the methods they took.

John arrives in Latvia, to confront Sam and Bucky, on their methods in dealing with Karli Morgenthau. He adjures they stop keeping secrets from him, and questions why they broke Zemo out of prison. Bucky chimes in to add that he broke himself out, and John expresses his anger, at the group. He and Lemar learn that Karli will be at a memorial, but Sam wants to confront her alone, as he believes she can be reasoned with. John believes she's past reasoning, citing the building she blew up with people inside. Sam and John come to blows, in how to to handle Karli, but Lemar steps in, and believes that if they can talk her down, it might be worth a try.

John backs down, and they follow Zemo to a young girl, who acts as his confidant, and gives them Karli's location. The enter the building, and John cuffs Zemo, while giving Sam, ten minutes, with Karli. Before the ten minutes is over, John voices his opposition to Sam's plan. Bucky tries to talk him down, but this further annoys John, and he decides to go in. He is stopped by Bucky, and makes a remark on how easy it must be for him, with the serum running through his veins. He convinces him that Sam needs back up, and he'll have blood on his hands otherwise. He is granted entrance, and John announces Karli is under arrest. He heads in her direction, but she punches him back. Karli escapes, by the time John comes to, and he throws the shield in Zemo's face, as he had escaped from his restraints. He finds that Zemo had been smashing vials of the super soldier serum, that were formerly in the possession of Karli, and secretly pockets the last remaining one. Following their encounter, Walker arrives in Sam, Bucky and Zemo's quarters, to turn the latter over. Sam argues for Zemo, based on the events that transpired, and John is prepared to fight him and places down his shield. At that moment, a spear is thrown in his direction by Nomble, a member of the Dora Milaje. Two more members enter, demanding Zemo be taken into their custody, and John introduces himself to their leader, and holds out his hand, only for her to ignore it. Sam warns John of the Dora Milaje's skills, and John argues they don't have jurisdiction there, but Ayo speaks up to tell him that they have jurisdiction, wherever they find themselves to be. He places his hand on Ayo's shoulder, in an attempt to talk to her, and she in response, strikes him to the ground. He tries fighting back, with his shield, but Yama aims her spear at him, forcing him to protecting himself. A fight ensues between John and Lemar, and the Dora Milaje, with the warriors getting the best of him. The Dora leave, when they find that Zemo's escaped, and John is left humiliated, having been defeated by them, and also exits. 

He and Lemar have tea at a local mall, and a woman arrives, asking if he can give her, his autograph, which he complies with. Lemar asks how long will it last before it gets annoying, and John jokingly responds that he's just angry because she didn't ask for his signature. John asks Lemar if he would take the serum had he chance, and Lemar replies he would. They discuss how it can affect a person, and compare Steve Rogers and Karli Morgenthau. John questions himself, and Lemar reminds him he won three Medals of Honor, and consistently makes the right decisions in the heat of the battle. He reflects on the actions he took in Afghanistan, which he considers the worst day of his life, doesn't believe the his award was justified. As Captain America, John finally feels like he has a chance to do what's right, and Lemar ponders on how many lives they could've saved, had they taken the serum. Following their conversation, John injects himself with the super soldier serum, which grants him enhanced abilities. The next day, Walker and Lemar track down the Flag Smashers, and ambush the building, in an effort to capture them. He breaks through a door, to find his partner, when he is attacked by one the members of the group. They begin fighting, and he displays his enhanced strength, to Sam's shock, who questions what he did. He reports that they've taken Lemar, and the pair try to search for John's missing partner. They enter a room, only to be confronted by two more members of the group, when more show up, along with Bucky and Lemar. Karli gets ready to stab John, when Lemar apprehends her, and she punches him back, into a pillar, killing him. John walks over to the body to try and wake his friend up, but he remains unresponsive. Enraged by Karli's actions, he breaks through a window and lands on the roof of a car to capture her, but finds himself chasing Nico instead. He demands Karli's location, and throws the shield against his back, and punches him down. He boomerangs the shield against him again, and places his foot onto Nico's chest. Nico insists he wasn't responsible, but John doesn't care, and repeatedly bashes him with the edge of the shield like a blade until it's left bloody and Nico is dead. He turns around to a large audience, many of whom are recording, having witnessed his murder.

John exits the scene, rocked by his actions. As he runs away, he replays Nico's murder in his head and settles in a warehouse, angered over what he did. He momentarily drops to the ground, while thinking of Lemar, but decides to resume his work, before being confronted by Sam and Bucky. He tries to rationalize his actions, and uses Lemar's murder as justification. Sam urges him to bring himself in, but John refuses to listen. Sam requests he return the shield, which provokes John, and he battles the two. In the middle of the showdown, John destroys one of Sam's wings, but ultimately, he is bested, by the pair, who break his arm, while retracting the shield from his possession. 

John returns to Washington, for trial, where he is stripped of his title and responsibilities as Captain America. John tries defending himself, and has an outburst, while expressing the sacrifices he's made for his government, but it makes no difference to the jury, who declare his punishment. Following his sentence, Olivia tries to comfort her husband, and advises him to visit Lemar's parents first. In the middle of their conversation however, a woman arrives, and introduces herself as Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. She sits between the couple, and empathizes with John's plight. She reveals she knows about John taking the serum, and believes he did the right thing in administrating it to himself, which has also made him valuable to certain people, and is the second best choice he's made in his life, with the first being to pick up the phone when she calls. Before she leaves, she tells John not to worry about the shield, as she knows he doesn't have it and reveals that it doesn't actually belong to the government, legally. John later heads to meet Lemar's family. He lies to Lemar's parents, and tells them Nico was responsible for his murder. Lemar's mother hands him a photograph of the two, and takes comfort in believing her sons killer was brought to justice. She recalls his pride, when John was named Captain America. and the honor he felt, to be John's partner. He apologizes to Lemar's family, and departs. As he walks down the street, he stares at a poster of himself, as Captain America. When he returns home, John begins constructing his own Captain America shield, which is partially created with his Medals of Honor.

Future of john walker as US agent

The story of U.S. Agent/John Walker in the Marvel Comics can give us a fairly decent idea of where the story is going in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. In a nutshell, the character Walker first appeared in Captain America #323 back in 1986; his initial arc found him gaining super powers from someone called The Power Broker, and he then took on the superhero mantle of "Super-Patriot." He was sharply critical of Steve Rogers/Captain America, publicly ranted against him, and even staged an attack (by fake Captain America fans called "buckies") which he would win in public. Eventually, he would fight and defeat Captain America. (U.S. Agent/John Walker doesn't super closely tie in with Sam/Bucky comic arcs, but as with most MCU properties, it does seem like they'll be able to pick and choose pieces of stories from here and there)

But the arc we might really be interested in, apparently, comes in Captain America #333 after Steve Rogers abandoned the Captain America mantle due to not believing in what's basically the comics version of the Sokovia Accords (government oversight on superheroes). The government then, familiar with Walker's obsession and dislike for Rogers as Super-Patriot, ask him to take on the mantle, which he accepts wholeheartedly.

With Walker as a government-controlled (at least initially) version of Captain America, he tries to match Steve's ethical, cool-headed ways, but his impulsive personality makes him more brutal and violent. During Walker's time as Captain America, he at one point gets captured by Flag-Smasher (a villain who will appear in the Disney+) series and saved by Steve Rogers, among others. Perhaps this could be a spot for Sam in the show?

Walker's time as Captain America comes to a close in the comics when a storyline with a lot of body switching (Red Skull in a cloned version of Steve's body, for one) ends with Steve and Walker coming to an understanding, and Walker eventually convincing Steve to take the mantle back as Cap, while the Government fakes his death and sets him up with his new identity as, yes, U.S. Agent. We're not sure how it'll play out in the series, but this would seem to be a reasonable kind of arc for Sam to finally become the Captain America that Steve wanted him to be in the MCU.

So, basically, as you can see in the image above, John Walker/U.S. Agent does eventually settle into a sort of good guy anti-hero type character (and one with his own solo adventure series). He's more violent than Steve, and a brutal, loose cannon, but he means well. Think Homelander from The Boys, but, like, way less evil. He's also always kind of compromised. In the famous West Coast Avengers comics, U.S. Agent is assigned to join the team to essentially spy on the other heroes for the government. Come on, man.

John Walker Gallery 

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

Bucky with John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

Bucky with john walker

John walker wallpaper

John walker with Captain America sam

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

John walker in the falcons and the winter soldier

US agent : John Walker's history and future in MCU | MarvelTimes  US agent : John Walker's history and future in MCU | MarvelTimes Reviewed by Prashant Patil on April 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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