Super soldier serum enhance the human body and mind, it was originally created by Abrahim Erskine in order to transform allied soldiers into super soldiers to be utilize by the United States Armed Forces during the period of world war II.
Over the decades, it has been recreated by several people, most with a considerable degree of success. It's have Given superhuman abilities to Steve rogers, johann schmidt, bucky barnes, isaiah bradley, brue banner, emil blonsky, karli morgenthau and john walker.
History of super soldier serum in MCU
Abraham Erskine's Super Soldier Serum
First super soldier serum was created by Abraham Erskine, Abraham first selected steve rogers in order to receive his serum. after receiving serum steve rogers became first super soldier Erskine's serum was first successful super soldier serum experiment. Erskine emphasized that his serum is just not increase physical strength but amplifies everything inside you. In conversation with steve he said," the serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good become great; bad become worse". "the strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion." Erskine's super soldier serum had to be used in combination with vita radiation in order to have safe and stable effects, so Steve Rogers was simultaneously injected with the serum and bombarded with the vita rays.
Original plan was to create many super soldiers to serve U.S. military, but steve ended up being the only person ever to receive Erskine's serum, since HYDRA assassinated Erskine serum and destroyed the serum. Therefore it's unknown whether this super soldier serum had a uniquely positive outcome because of the quality of Erskine's work, or his choice of recipient. Most likely it was a combination of both.
Red Skull's Super Soldier Serum
Erskine started working on serum in 1930, when the nazis came into power both they and HYDRA forced him to continue developing his own formula for their purposes. Nazi leader and head of HYDRA johann schmidt injected himself with unfinished Erskine's serum, but without vita radiation serum caused his skin face burn and turn red, earning him his supervillain moniker: the Rel Skull. Becuase of unfortunate side effects of serum, Erskine said that serum did not failed, but did exactly what it was designed to do; just as the serum would later amplify Steve Rogers' goodness, bravery and compassion, it amplified Johann Schmidt's evil and lust for power. The Red Skull also didn't consider himself a failure, declaring that he, not Captain America, was Erskine's "greatest success."
Arnim Zola's Super Soldier Serum
After Erskine Escaped he began developing his super soldier serum for United States instead, Arnim Zola Started working on perfect HYDRA's version. He used american soldiers injected with serum as test subjects for his experiment with the super soldier serum, one of his test subjects was Bucky Barnes. With the help of Captain America(Steve Roger) Barnes was able to escape HYDRA's clutches - but only for short while. When he fell off a train and down a mountainside, it was his super soldier physiology that allowed him to survive the fall, albeit with the loss of his arm. He was returned to HYDRA, and a combination of cybernetics and brainwashing was used to transform him into the Winter Soldier.
HYDRA would no doubt argue that Zola's super soldier serum wasn't a failure, since Bucky served the organization exactly how they wanted too and was the scourge of their enemies over the following 70 years. If the Red Skull is an example of the harm that super soldier serum can done when given to the wrong person, then Bucky is an example of the harm it can do when the super soldier is molded by the wrong people. Had Bucky not fallen from the train, he could have become as worthy a superhero as Steve Rogers was. Since being freed from HYDRA's influence by the Wakandans, he has made every effort to use his abilities to help people and make amends.
Isaiah Bradley's Super Soldier Serum
After death of Abraham Erskine And Disappearance of Captain America/steve rogers, United States tried to recreate super soldier serum and they used Black soldiers as test subjects. In comic called TRUTH: Red, White and black, new version of serum caused horrifying deaths for men who received them. Isaiah Bradley was one subject for whom the serum worked, and only survivor amoung all test subjects. He was sent to Goyang during the Korean War hoping to destroy the Winter Soldier, but was only successful in tearing off Bucky's arm.
Like the Winter Soldier, Isaiah Bradley is an example of a super soldier serum that worked and had the potential for positive outcomes, but failed because of abuse from those in power. As a "reward" for his service, Isaiah Bradley was imprisoned and experimented upon, with both the CIA and HYDRA hoping to extract the recipe for a successful super soldier serum from his blood. Isaiah's super strength persisted into his old age, but he was left jaded and embittered towards the system that had used and abused him, and killed his friends.
Howard Stark's Super Soldier Serum
During 1991 a new version of the super serum was developed by Howard Stark father of tony(iron man). Before it could be used on any American test subjects, however, Howard was murdered by the Bucky Barnes(HYDRA) and the five doses of serum were delivered to HYDRA. serum was given to HYDRA's elite death squad, who had "more kills than anyone in HYDRA's history," according to Bucky Barnes. As Erskine had warned back in the 1940s, giving the serum to ruthless killers had the effect of amplifying their lust for violence and HYDRA found that they were impossible to control. This attempt to create more Winter Soldiers was deemed a failure, and the test subjects were put on ice in HYDRA's Siberia facility until they were eventually killed by Zemo in Captain America: civil war.
Bruce Banner's Super Soldier Serum
The American government resurrected Project Rebirth, the code name used for developing the super soldier serum, after the turn of the 21st century. Thaddeus Ross recruited scientist Bruce Banner to recreate Erskine's formula, and Banner developed a new serum that was used in combination with gamma radiation instead of vita radiation. Unfortunately this proved to be anything but stable, transforming Banner into a giant green rage monster who became known as the Incredible Hulk. Rather than enhancing his personality, as the previous versions of the super soldier serum had, Banner's formula had the effect of splitting his personality between the mild-mannered Bruce and the ill-mannered Hulk.
In case of Bruce Banner's problems was deceptive circumstances under which serum was developed. Bruce was told that he was working on treatment for radiation resistance not a super soldier serum, Bruce don't even know what he was really doing while injecting himself with it. Years later, and in the wake of Thanos snapping away half of all life in the universe, Bruce and the Hulk were able to reconcile and "professor Hulk" was born - all of the giant green monster, minus the rage, and complete with Bruce Banner's personality and brains.
Emil Blonsky's Super Soldier Serum
Thaddeus Ross didn't give up on the super soldier serum even Hulk nearly killed him and his daughter. His new version of Project Rebirth continued working on serums until he found one that was "very promising." This was offered to Captain Emil Blonsky at a very low dose, and seemed to have the desired effect of enhancing speed, strength and agility without any negative side effects. Unfortunately for Blonsky, he wasn't yet strong enough to beat the Incredible Hulk. After he healed from having most of the bones in his body shattered, Blonsky was given a larger dose of the new serum that began to mutate his body and unravel his mind. Now lusting for power to match the Incredible Hulk, Blonsky injected himself with Bruce Banner's gamma-irradiated blood and transformed into a monstrosity called the Abomination. So many poor decisions were made with this iteration of the super soldier serum that it's hard to pin down which contributed the most to its failure.
The Centipede Serum
Next Super Soldier Serum appeared In marvel's Series Agents of SHIELD, this serum was even messier than the one that created hulk and the abomination. This time HYDRA return with project centipede, project cintipede is combination of super soldier serum, gamma radiation, extremis, dna, inhuman, blood from a pyrokinetic basically "every know source of suoerpower thrown in blender. " Unlike other versions of the serum, which were designed to be injected only once, the Centipede serum was delivered continuously via a device on the recipient's arm.
The most notable recipient of the Centipede Serum was Deathlok, whose super soldier abilities were enhanced with cybernetics. Deathlok endured great suffering at the hands of HYDRA, but because he was a good man at heart he avoided becoming an outright villain and ultimately sought redemption.
Dr. Wilfred Nagel's Super Soldier Serum
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier introduces the latest iteration of the super soldier serum, this time developed by scientist Dr. Wilfred Nagel and reverse-engineered from Isaiah Bradley's blood. Nagel first worked for HYDRA, then for the CIA, and then finally for the Power Broker in Madripoor while developing his super soldier serum, which he believed to be superior to Erskine's. The serum doesn't require vita radiation to be stabilized, and doesn't physically change the appearance of the recipient's body. However, it does still appear to have the affect of enhancing a person's fundamental personality - though whether that's a physical effect or a psychological response to suddenly having great power is uncertain.
Karli Morgenthau, the leader of the Flag-Smashers, tried to use her newfound strength, speed and agility for good. She took stockpiled resources from the Global Repatriation Council and distributed them among refugees who were desperately in need of them. However, she also came to believe that violence was justified as a means to an end, and she's shown a willingness to kill people whom she deems guilty by their association with the GRC. Though Karli is one of the more sympathetic recipients of the super soldier serum, she's also let her anger and righteousness lead her to justify acts of terrorism.
Notable recipient of nagels's super soldier serum also fallen prey to his anger and arrogance. One of the first things John Walker did with his newfound strength was brutally execute one of the Flag-Smashers in front of a horrified crowd. Before taking the serum he had some anger problems, but now he is truly unstable and fixated on his belief that he is rightfully Captain America, even after being officially stripped of that title. Perhaps the lesson John Walker teaches is that Sam Wilson doesn't need to be a super soldier to become Captain America.
User of super soldier serum
- Johann Schmidt
- Steve Rogers
- Bucky Barnes
- Isaiah Bradley
- Josef and four other Winter Soldiers
- Bruce Banner
- Emil Blonsky
- Karli Morgenthau, Dovich, Gigi, DeeDee, Lennox, Diego, Nico and Matias..
- John Walker

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