Ten Rings of mandarin (History, functions and powers)

Ten Rings of mandarin (History, functions and powers) | marvel cinematic universe

What Are 10 Rings?

Ten rings are similar to thanos' infinity stones obviously not that much power full to destroy the universe but Whoever wears them got some pretty awesome powers including freezing objects, controlling people's minds, flame blast and more. The rings hold these power becuase of Series of gems embedded within them. 

Origin of TEN RINGS 

These rings are discovered by mandarin himself in China's "valley of spirits", the ten rings are actually belongs to dragons from planet MAKLU-IV. They are product of dragons like Axonn-Karr(or makluans). The Axonn-Karr use them mainly as power source of their interstellar craft's engines. The rings functions cannot be explained by Modern earth science. 

The mandarin learned how to use them for his own use, he make them respond to his personal commands. Over the years, mandarin's mind has actually come inhabit the rings so that now no one else can make use of them. Now even mandarin control the rings from large distance.

The functions of original set of rings are as follows:

Ten Rings work just like Infinity Stones all of them got different functions or powers and they also glow when somebody make use of them. so let's see what are the different functions of every ring.

Right hand:

Pinky: Black Light. Creates area of “absolute blackness” where all light is absorbed. It is believed that this ring accesses the “Darkforce” used by people such as Darkstar and the Shroud.

Ring Finger: Disintegration Beam: Destroys bonds between atoms and molecules causing an object’s cohesion to fall apart. Needs 20 minutes recharge time between uses.

Middle Finger: Vortex Beam. Causes air to swirl about in a vortex at high speed. Can levitate objects, propel wearer (Mandarin) in flight and be used as a weapon.

Index Finger: Impact Beam. Projects concussive force of approximately 350 lbs. of TNT. Can also cause intense sonic vibrations and create magnetic waves.

Thumb: Matter Rearranger. Can rearrange atoms and/or molecules of substances or speed up/slow down their movements to result in various effects. Cannot actually transmute elements.

Left hand:

Pinky: Ice Blast. Freezes the air in its path and can lower an object’s temperature to almost absolute zero.

Ring Finger: Mento-Intensifier. Magnifies the Mandarin’s psychic energy enabling him to mentally control a person. Only effective at short range.

Middle Finger: Electro-Blast. Emits quantities of electrical energy determined by the wearer (Mandarin). Upper limit of output is unknown.

Index Finger: Flame Blast. Emits infrared radiation and can cause air to incandesce by igniting its molecules. Maximum out is unknown.

Thumb: White Light. Emits many different types of energy from the electro-magnetic spectrum. Frequently used as intense visible light and laser beams.

Ten Rings of mandarin (History, functions and powers) Ten Rings of mandarin (History, functions and powers)  Reviewed by Prashant Patil on April 22, 2021 Rating: 5

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